Chapter E

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I can't stop thinking about that kitten from the club a few nights ago. There was something so- different about her. I wanted to know more about her, but I couldn't go against my own rules— could I? It is my business after all. BUT with saying that, my business, I've built it from the ground up and I don't know if I could chance everything for a relationship that I have no idea would even work.

I've spent and dedicated too much time and money into the business to just give it up now.

But that girl, she was certainly something else. She has a fire in her, a spark I could see light up everyday. A flow I'd love to see flowing morning and night. Her hands, so soft. Her lips, again soft. Her whole body, mesmerising.

I couldn't get my mind off her. It's all I've been able to think about, during my office hours, dinner, showering (yeah, and?) breakfast and some wee drinks here and there.

All. I. Can. Think. About.

I don't know what to do. I could phone up the club and ask for her, but that isn't me, it would be unlike me in fact to call about a certain kitten especially with my reputation.

Moments after evaluation, my assistant walks in with a worried look upon her face.

"There's someone to see you, said it was urgent" I nod, maybe this will take my mind off kitten.

"Mr Lynch" My eyes widen, there's kitten, standing right in front of me. I jinxed myself, I had to have.

"Hello kitten, what do owe the honor of having your presence welcomed here?" I mentally slap myself in the face, you stupid idiot. I want to slap myself for real over and over.

"Well, after you left the club a few nights ag-- I may have done a little research on you. I'm gonna be fully honest with you. You have that look on your face, I've seen it before many times-- more times than I care to admit" I push myself upwards off my computer chair and stand with my arms crossed. This kitten is actually standing her ground and telling me what's what.

Great. Another thing to like about her.

"If you've read up on me. Then tell me Kitten, what do you know about me?" She then proceeds to take a seat, raising my eyebrow I sit back down.

"Your 25, you've built your 'business' from a young age. Your website as it so reads-- sex, no commitments, not relationships, not arguments" Nodding, I think back to when I typed that all out in the small but fairly simple terms and conditions. That was legit all I could think at the time. There's a few more I could add, but go through all that hassle when the business is thriving as it is right now.

"You also have very little contact with your family. The last you spoke to your mother to be specific was a few days ago when we met at the club. You were upstairs with me & she was downstairs waiting for you to join her. That's a very lovely thing for a son to do to his mother now isn't it?" I sighed knowing she was right too. I shouldn't have done that because if I hadn't have done that, I wouldn't be in this particularly situation where I'm thinking my life out to the extend I'm figuring out what to do with my life.

BUT, If I hadn't of done it. I wouldn't of met this kitten. Decisions, decisions.

"Sir, honestly. I'm not having you change your life. And I won't allow it" She has a serious face on, straight lips, no emotion in her face.

"Kitten, don't do this. I'm sure something can be sorted out" She shakes her head.

"Listen, if you can't make the decision for yourself. I'll make it for you" She walks round to my side of the desk. Keeping a close eye on her-- I worry about what she is about to do. Any actions can have serious consequences.

"Kitten, what are you doing?" Silence could slice through the air for those 4 seconds that it took her to get round the desk and standing right in front of me.

"Don't call me kitten, I don't meow. I moan" She then continues to slam her lips against mines. In that moment, the world just stops and there's nothing else around us. I can't remember anything, nothing about what I do, or where I work. I can't remember the name of my business.

The kiss sent those vibes and waves I've been searching for since I was young boy, it have me goosebumps, it caused me to pause my whole life in that second I lived. My whole body was speaking a language I personally didn't know, but everywhere else apart from my brain didn't know.

Her hands, were nicely placed on either side of my face. Her lips directly centred with my own. She was leaning over me, and that's when I decided to take her hips & pull her towards me.

"Nope, sorry" She says within the kiss, but of course pulls away and starts walking out my office.

Now, I have precisely 10 seconds before she closes that door to figure out if want to let go of everything I've built, everything I've worked for. My whole business being the biggest one in California. Do I want to throw my life away for this girl?

I watch her as she storms out the room and that's when I finally have my future answer.

"Hey!" I'm shouting loudly downwards the hallway. I managed to get within her range of hearing as she turns round to see my running up towards the hall.

"What do you want?" I heavily sigh, leaning over.

"I need to talk to you before you" She taking a big breath and places her hands on her hips.

"I'm listening" I look at her, deep into her eyes. They were filled with anger, determination.

"Laura, listen to me. When I started this business, I had motive. I've had it for years, I never wanted anything serious. Even my mother was mad at me for it. I'm going to be honest with you Laura, that night at the club, I did yes spend time upstairs knowing my mother was downstairs, but only because I knew I wouldn't last long with her. But when I was there with you, I lost all track of time. It's not something I wanted to admit to myself that night, but deep down I knew for a fact those few hours - - with you - - were beyond the best few hours of my life. I can't explain what it meant for you to choose to spend those hours with me. The way I felt about you - - the way I felt with you - - the feelings rushing through me at that point in time, it was unbeatable. I always vowed to myself that if I ever found that vibe with someone, the one I found with you Laura. I'd end my long lasting career. Laura, I felt that with you" I see her eyes, I could feel as if she partly didn't believe me, that's very understandable. Especially with my reputation" I stand up straight, leaning over slightly to take Laura's hand into my own.

"Ross, did any of that mean anything to you. Honestly, can you say your ready to drop it all and take me on as a commitment. Because you've built this business up for years, people can't just drop something like that for one person"

"Laura, your not just one person. Your the person I've been searching for, you're my vibe" Laura smiles at me.

I pull her hand, pulling her towards me, bringing her lips towards mines.

"Will you be mines?" Giggling Laura nodded.

"Yes, I'll be yours"

"I'll drop everything, I honestly promise you this. I'll drop it. But under one condition!" She raises her eyebrows, leaning slightly to the left.

"And what's that?" I smirk knowing where this is going.

"Call me Daddy" Laura smiles, a smirk placed upon her lips.

"okay daddy" I immediately crash our lips together, feeling that vibe once more, but so much heavier this time. So true. So passionate.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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