Katie and Jasmine immediately found guys to dance with leaving me to sit at our booth with Victoria. She was wearing fish net hose and black stilettos. She wore a maroon dress that made her pale white skin look even whiter than usual. Her naturally straight red hair fell over her shoulders as she scooted in the booth across from me.

     “Blake,” she started, “I’m going to find you a guy tonight and you’re going home with him.” She was confident in herself, as usual. She always tried to every night we went out, to find a guy for me. I just didn’t connect with anyone.

     “We just got here and haven’t you already tried that?” I asked, a little annoyance in my voice from having to yell over the music. She nodded then raised a finger at me, “but tonight is different, I can feel it. It’s the start of a new beginning with you and… and…” she looked around the club and grinned. Slipping out of the booth she ran towards the dance floor and disappearing into the crowd.

     This is how the nights usually went. I was left alone at the table to watch over everyone’s things and to drive everyone home because I was always the only sober one. 

     I didn’t like to drink, I did occasionally but for the most part, it wasn’t for me.

     I was sitting at the booth alone when a man came up to me placing an empty glass in front of me. He sat down right next to me, a little too close for comfort, with smirk on his face. “I’m assuming you’re the one taking all those girls home,” he guessed. His breath smelled like vodka and mints. The way he carried himself made it obvious he was full on drunk. His light brown hair was gelled neatly and slicked back on his head. His eyes: bloodshot.

     “I am and I plan to keep it that way, please go away,” I asked pushing him off of me.

     He pushed back on me and got even closer to me, “how ‘bout I buy you a couple of drinks and we head back to my place, those girls will be fine on their own.”

     “How ‘bout no,” I said more sternly this time. I pushed him back even more, starting to get a little angry. His suit fit nicely and he had a great body, another Barney Stinson, I thought to myself. I looked past him and found Victoria who winked at me. This was the man she had sent.

     The man scooted closer to me, pushing me till I was up against the wall and couldn’t move away from him any further. “Come on, one drink,” he pleaded. “Get away from me,” I started to get a little nervous, usually the guy would have left by now. He grinned and shook his head, “it’s not gonna be that easy to get me away sweetheart.”

     As he leaned in towards my face I started to panic. I wanted to scream but nothing came out. I raised my hand to slap him but another man came up behind the Barney Stinson and warned him, “she said she’s not interested.”

     The man stopped and slowly turned his head, his body still hovering over me, “did she now?”

     The other man nodded, “I believe she did and if you don’t leave her alone I’m gonna take this glass of whiskey and pour it all over your precious $900 suit.”

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