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Angelic Stewart —

After I calmed down we went into the school as I frantically tried to get ahold of Jamal, Ruby, Monse, and Cesar. No one answered the phone.

I slammed my locker shut as Kyla jumped. "Are you mad at me." She asked meekly. I shook my head. "No. Jamal is sensitive and protective." I said. Adding. "Change of plans, we're leaving right after school. Unless you don't want to go."

"No I'll go. I'm going to apologize to him. And then hook up with Ruby cause that boy is fiiiiine." She sipped her coffee and looked around like she didn't just say that while I choked.

"Uh! Yes, he needs some." I high-five'd her, before we ran down the hallway in opposite ways to get to our first period class. Which I didn't want to go to, but I had absolutely no choice what so ever.

I entered the classroom full of students, taking a seat in the back. I grabbed my phone to see that Ruby texted me. I unlocked my phone and scanned the message, suddenly feeling hurt all over again.

Ruben👏🏼🤗: we all trusted you, and you betrayed not only Jamal, but every single one of us. Are you happy?

Angel👼🏼: You guys have it wrong. I'm not cheating on Jamal! Nor would I even THINK about doing that!

He didn't answer after that, and I locked my phone deciding the best way for me to forget about it for now, was to actually pay attention to what my teacher was going on and on about.


Kyla and I practically ran to my car, and I hurriedly started it. "We need gas and snacks." I mumbled, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road. We stopped at a convenient store and while I grabbed snacks Kyla got the gas into the tank.

"Ready?" She asked once I got in, handing her the bag. I nodded, buckled up, and we started the drive to Freeridge. I turned on the radio with shaky hands, before shutting it off when nothing good was on.

"Hey, look, I'm really sorry. This is all my fault." She started but I tilted my head towards her and glared. "Shut up. It's okay— me and him will make up and everything will go back to the way it was."

She nodded, then handed me my chips she generously opened. I sat them on my lap, and looked out the window, hoping he'd understand and forgive me.


Freeridge was only a half an hour away now, and I picked up the speed just a little. No one knew we were coming, and it was 5 now, so they could honestly be anywhere knowing them and their adventurous inner selves.

And before I knew it, I was driving down Ruby's street, and parking infront of Oscar's house. I'd texted him at lunch and told him everything, him— shockingly having a soft spot for me— agreed to let me sneak over here.

"Oh. That one right there is cute. Ain't Ruby cute, but if Ruby don't want this—" She gestured to her body. "Then I'll come to him." She pointed at Sad Eyes, while I rolled my eyes. "Honey, no. He's way to old for you." She shrugged, caring less.

I got out and Oscar smirked, whistling while I smiled at him. "Oscar." I said, hugging him, smacking his head when he made a move to grab my backside. "I'm taken, Oz. Hands to yourself." I went the exact mile, taking his hands and shoving them into his stomach while he laughed.

"I forgot." Was his simple reply. I rolled my eyes, grabbing Kyla's arm, seeing her trying to flirt with Sad Eyes. "This is Kyla, my best friend. Now. Where are the kids— preferably Jamal."

He chuckled, licking his lips. "Their all at Ruby's. Even that Olivia girl." He said, pointing to the familiar house while I looked at him like he was stupid or something. He shot me an offended look.

"Let's go Kyla." I grabbed her arm and dragged her away to Ruby's house. We climbed onto his porch and I opened the door, knowing Geny wouldn't mind my presence. I could hear them talking in the living room.

"Maybe it was a misunderstanding, Jamal." Monse could be heard saying. So their having a meeting about me? How fun. "Yeah, I agree with SeSe." I said, walking into the room, taking a seat next to Jamal, who moved over while I hid my hurt with a stoned expression.

"Who's that." Cesar said to Kyla, who awkwardly waddled over to him, taking a seat between him and Ruby, waving to the group. "I'm Kyla." She squeaked, giving an unsure grin, clasping her hands together.

"Anywho." I mumbled, standing up and sitting back down, practically on top of Jamal. "It was allllll a misunderstanding. I promised Jamal one thing and that was to not forget him. I should have promised and made sure he realized I'd never cheat on him. He makes me feel a way no one has, a way no one can."

Kyla spoke up then. "It was me who answered the phone in the car. I deepened my voice and it was supposed to be a joke but you have no time for anyone to explain anything—" I cut her off before she could add the 'your the one to blame' that was blossoming in her throat.

"Shhhhshhh. Yeah." I 'mhm'd, brushing my hair away from my face. Jamal made an effort to get up but I glared at him and he eased back into the cushions. I gave him a hurt look, but he avoided my gaze.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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