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Angelic Stewart —

I woke up to the car door being shut, and looked at the time on my phone to see I'd been asleep for about two hours.

Yawning loudly and dramatically I stretched and sat up, checking on Auggie before getting out of the vehicle to see Justin pumping gas into the van.

"Where's Lisa?" I asked, my voice raspy as I cleared it. "She's in the store right now. Why don't you go get some snacks for you and Auggie." I nodded as he handed me a twenty.

As I entered the store the AC blew above me and I rubbed my eyes. Walking towards the aisle I waved to Lisa and started grabbing things I knew Auggie would like. I got a ginger ale for myself and some chips.

Once I rang out I went back to the van to see an awake August. "Hello, sleepy boy." I cooed, sitting next to him. I helped him eat the fruit snacks and drink some of the orange juice, then I gave him a cookie and kissed his forehead before going to my car.

I got my charger and headed back to the van. I sat next to Auggie as he dozed off back to sleep, catching the cookie before it could hit the floor. I put it in a ziplock baggie and sealed it shut, stuffing the baggie into his diaper bag.

Justin got in minutes later, buckling up before starting the car and driving off towards Freeridge. I reached between the driver and passenger seat, plugging in the charger to the car, then I plugged in my phone even though it was on 60 percent.

"I heard your coming here for business. Why's it going to take a whole summer?" I asked curiously, leaning back in my seat as he glanced at me through the mirror.

"You were always a curious one." He chuckled. "But no, it'll only take a month. Lisa just wants the rest of the summer to visit and stay with her friend." I nodded, taking a sip of my soda before looking out the window.

I sighed, fiddling with my fingers. "Why'd you.. why'd you say what you said two years ago, Justin?" I whispered, brushing my messy hair away from my eyes. "You seem so set on having a future with Lisa."

I could see him take a shaky breath before turning onto another highway route. "I was more naive back then. I'd hooked up with a lady twice my age, got her pregnant, then when she let me go I needed someone to help me."

"And that someone was me." I finished, to which he said a faint "Yeah". "But why me?" I pressed, sitting forward. "Ya know; why not some other girl, that's actually legal?" I asked, confusion suddenly taking over.

"I.. I don't know. Let's just drop it, forget what I said before Lisa and I got back together. It was a spur of the moment, I—" He stopped himself, and silence took over.

I didn't mean it. I figured that. But when he was about to say it, it felt more real. It made me realize him saying I love you was just a voice in the past getting the stupid best of me. I was so naive to know how bad our relationship actually was.

It was toxic. And after it made me insecure and made me always feel like I had to be better to be loved in that way. "Your right. I'm sorry— do you and Lisa plan on having another kid? Auggie mentioned he was lonely." Or maybe he didn't mean it like that, maybe it was because his parents were dysfunctional and distant.

"We might." Was all he said, and I took that as my que to stop talking. I unplugged my charger and stuffed it in my pocket, deciding to listen to music on my phone would be my best choice at this point. So I played my playlist, and leaned back letting the car ride continue.


At 12:15 Lisa called to announce that it was time to put on our GPS and go to the location. It said it'd take 10 minutes to arrive and I mentally groaned, tired and cramped. Auggie had awoken earlier and demanded food.

So now he sat, seeming to enjoy the cookies resting in his lap. "I'm soooo bored." I groaned, making Auggie offer me a cookie. I politely declined. "Auggie, don't mention to your mom you ate cookies as breakfast, and I promise to get you McDonald's for lunch once we settle in."

"Deal." He mumbled around chewed up cookie. Shaking my head, I cleaned his face up and gathered his stuff, seeing as we were almost there. We parked along the road, and I got out along with Justin. I held August and grabbed my bag along with his.

"Need help?" Lisa asked as she approached us, I shook my head. "I've got it." I muttered, going to my car. I sat Auggie down in the passenger seat and threw my bag into the backseat. I slipped my phone into my pants pocket, and picked Auggie back into my arms.

Slamming the doors shut I locked them and pecked August's nose, making him giggle. "You know he can walk right?" Justin said. I nodded, walking up the steps behind Lisa. "Yeah, I do. But, he'd whine if I let him down." Auggie nodded in agreement, snuggling into my neck.

I laughed softly, rubbing his back. "Someone's tired." I whispered into his hair, planting a kiss on his curls. He yawned, his hot breath hitting my neck. Lisa knocked, and an older lady answered the door.

"Geny!" Lisa yelled, pulling the woman into a hug. "Ah! It's been years!" The woman, Geny, replied. "Yes it has. Where are those kids of yours, I must meet them." Lisa rubbed her hands together, clapping slightly.

Still rubbing his back I cleared my throat. "I'm strong, trust me. But he's getting quite heavy." I huffed, shifting him to my other arm. "Oh! Right, yes, come in. Ruby is with his friends somewhere, and Mario is with his girlfriend at the moment."

I entered, setting August on the couch. He whined, rubbed his eyes, then snuggled into the cushions. "This is a lovely house." I commented. "Very.. clean." I nervously smiled.

"Sorry, this is my niece Angelic. We all call her Angel though." I held my hand out, but Geny pulled me into a hug instead. "It's nice to meet you, Angel. Welcome to my home, I have two sons that you'll have to bare with for the summer, Ruby is a sweetheart though and Mario tends to mind his own thing."

"Thank you for having me."

The Girl From Summer.   [OMB]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz