Chapter 26

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Alec heard a voice beside him "Alec..Alec open your eyes", and Alec did, then he was flashed by a light but his eyes got used to it quickly. "Jace?" Whispered Alec when he saw his parabatai sitting beside and looking down at him "you protected protected our family" Jace smiled and Alec tried to reach with his hand to touch his brother, to catch up his tear, "It's time to let go" said Jace quietly "you are my brother and I am willing to let you go too..our parabatai bond was still there because I refused to let you live your live..I was afraid that you forget about me but it was stupid and childish..thank you for everything" he stroked his cheek and Alec opened his eyes. Magnus jumped beside him "Alexander?", Alec frowned "w-where.." he looked around and then raised his shirt, "the parabatai rune" gasped alec "it''s gone", Magnus wrapped his arms around his husband "oh Alexander, you're're okay", "But you-", "I'm happy" he grabbed Alecs head and kissed his lips "im so happy..i can finally grow old and I'm not gonna be alone", Alec smiled and nodded, his mind was still fuzzy. Magnus let him sleep again because it felt like he had a hangover. Magnus made himself comfortable on his chest and smiled to himself. Alec was alright..and they could finally enjoy their honeymoon like they deserved.

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