Chapter 16

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Magnus sat by Alec meanwhile Catarina scanned his chest with her magic. Alec breathed heavy while blue sparks surrounded him. Magnus brought his fingers on his lips. Catarina nodded to herself then said "I'm sorry to tell you this Alec, but Jace is killing you, every emotion that has to do with him is like a cancer for your heart", "I can't just forget about him" Alec had rings under his eyes. Catarina gave him a potion to sleep and Magnus brushed his hair back softly as the boy fell asleep. Catarina and Magnus left the room while she closed the door behind her silently, "do you have any other potion for him?" Asked Magnus worried and Catarina layed her hand on his shoulder "oh Magnus" she sighed "I'm so sorry", "There should be-", "he won't make it", "w-what?" Asked Magnus, "he had not more that one year left", "one year?" Magnus legs were about to give up, he sat down "Oh god no", "I am so sorry, he's already so strong, I can feel how he tries to fight it", "no no no" Magnus burried his face in his hands "Why do I deserve this? This is not fair", Catarina stroked his shoulder "the loss of the parabatai is a real struggle, I never seen a bond so strong before", Magnus just hide his face on his knees. When Catarina was gone, Magnus entered the bedroom and looked at Alec. He slept so peacefully. Like everything was totally fine. Like he won't die anytime. Magnus layed beside him and caresses his cheek, Alec smiled "What did she said?", "That everything is gonna be fine", Alec opened his eyes full of hope "really?", "yes" tears were were coming down magnus face "she said that we are gonna marry and then we are gonna have happy life together, we will adopt a child and be happy fathers", Alec happy expression changed when he understood that Magnus just told him his dream. Magnus sobbed "I love you so much Alexander", Alecs voice shaked "how long?", Magnus burried his head in his chest, "Magnus..please tell me how long?", "two years" he lied.

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