"You don't deserve human rights," Sara muttered, receiving a laugh from Dally.

"I know, right?"

"You asshole! You made a liar out of me! I had a whole goddamn speach about equality," she said, referring to when the waiter treated them badly because they were obviously greasers.

"I know, I know. But you were doin' so well, I wanted hear your argument!"

Sara sighed again. "So what're we gonna do?"

"Nothin' else we can do. Gotta make a run for it."

"There's only one exit," Sara whispered back. She looked over Dally's shoulder at the doorway, guarded by two large security men. "Damn, those guys are big. Why'd they get guards - like this is a prison or something?"

"Who cares? They're wearing tuxs!" Dally almost laughed. "Nobody'll do shit in a tux, I promise. They're all pussies." Sara's eyes wondered around suspiciously, but nobody noticed.

"Okay," Sara gave in. "What do we do?"

"What do we do? We just leave!"

"Just like that? What do I look at? What do I do with my hands? How do I walk? Oh, God...I think I forgot how to walk! I've never committed a federal crime before!"

"Well, there's a first time for everything. Don't freak out, okay? Walk the way you always walk. Just watch where you're goin' and leave all the eye contact to me. Got it?" Sara took a deep breath. She knew she shouldn't have trusted him but she didn't have any other choice. "Jeez, baby. You ain't gotta be so frantic!"

"I fucking hate you," Sara mumbled, standing up. "C'mon. Let's just get this over with."

Dally clapped his hands together, standing up himself. "Let's do this."

The two began walking calmly toward the exit. Dally placed his hand on her back as Sara tried to look at anything besides the people around her. She placed her hands in her jacket pockets and tried to walk as normal as possible to not draw any attention to herself

"Hey," Sara heard from behind her. "They didn't pay for that!" Dally reached down and grabbed her hand.


They ran out of the restaurant, Dally dragging Sara behind him. When they found his car, they hopped into it, Dally driving away quickly. A few moments later, Sara turned her head to see who was chacing them. Cops.

"Oh, God! The fuckin' fuzz!" She turned to Dally, punching his shoulder. "The hell did you do, Dal? We got the fuzz chasin' us over a few plates of spaghetti!"

"I mean, it probably doesn't help that I hotwired the car - but how would they know that?" Dally laughed.

Sara looked at him, her blue eyes wide and scowling. "The license plate, asshole! Whoever owned this car must've reported it!"

"Cool it, doll. I got this, alright?" He replied, trying to calm her down. "Hand me a beer bottle - they're in the backseat." She grabbed one and looked at him.

"You been drinking and driving?"

"We'll talk about it later, Mom." He snatched the bottle, throwing it behind him and hitting the cop's windshield, making Sara gasp and hide her face in her jacket sleeves. Dally zoomed off even faster than before as they were just entering a soc neighborhood. Dally threw his fist up into the air. "Improv!"

"That is not improv," Sara giggled nervously. Just when she began to feel some sort of relief, they pulled into a cul de sac. Still able to hear the sirens, she fell into a panic again. "Shit..." She whined under her breath, looking to Dally for help. "What do we do?"

Dally thought for a moment, looking behind them. He realized that they couldn't see the cops' car, and right in front of them was a perfectly empty pool, hidden behind a fence. He looked back at Sara. "Follow me."

He jumped out of the car hopped over the fence, Sara following behind him. They stood in the yard of people they had never met when Dally looked at Sara, then at the pool, then back at Sara.


"We don't got enough time for this shit, Sara. Now you jump in the pool, or I'm throwin' you in."

"Dally please don't..." Dally looked back, the cop car getting closer.

"Too late!" He picked her up, just giving her enough time to hold her breath, and tossed her into the pool. He immediately jumped into the pool after her. He came up quickly, poking his head out of the water.

Shortly after, Sara's head poked out in front of him, taking a big gasp for air. "Shhh," Dally shushed her calmly, not to be rude but because he saw the cop's car. A few moments later, she heard the cop car drive away and started coughing. "You good?" She nodded. Dally then noticed that her mascara began to smudge. He cupped her cheeks, using his thumb to wipe away the makeup, only to smudge it more.

"Shit, I think I made it worse."

"Please stop touching my face now." Dally smiled, splashing her face. She splashed him back, before taking a deep breath and going back under water. Dally followed her down. He opened his eyes to see a blurry vision of Sara right in front of him, tightly shutting her eyes. And he did what he felt the need to do, he leaned in and kissed her. Sara, being shocked, popped back out of the water, Dally still attached to her. She pulled away with a deep breath. She breathed heavily for a moment before smiling. She wrapped her arms around his neck before pulling him closer and kissing him back.


holy shit this took me so long to write anyway i hope you liked it

- sara

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