The person cleared their throat causing Peter to jump and turn around to find a blonde pregnant girl standing there looking at him in disgust. Peter looked her up and down. Wonder who got this bitch knocked up? Wouldn't surprise me if it was some spoiled jock who needed a quick fuck, Peter thought before his gaze landed on the girls face. She glared at him before scoffing at him checking her out.

"Um, it's exactly what you see," Peter said causing the girl to roll her eyes while shaking her head before she walked away from him. Wow what a bitch, Peter thought to himself before walking away from the girls bathroom.

Letha was sitting on the wall, eating her lunch and watching other students walk around the schoolyard talking amongst each other. Letha turned her head and spotted the weird boy who was standing outside of the girls bathroom, listening to what was going on in there, only this time she noticed that he wasn't walking alone. Letha took a closer look at the girl's face and recognized her instantly. No...There is no way that Alyse would make her way back to Hemlock Grove. Not after what she told me that Roman did to her. Even if that was her, she would go for a creep like him. Besides if she did come back to Hemlock Grove, there is no doubt in my mind that Roman would have found out the day that she set foot back. He would have went to see her and bring her back to his house to show aunt Olivia, Letha thought to herself unaware that Roman was standing next to her calling her name. Letha didn't notice that Roman was there until he started waving his hand in front of he face, causing Letha to snap out of her thoughts. "Huh," Letha asked while looking around before noticing Roman standing there. "Oh Roman. I didn't see you standing there."

"Clearly. What was so interesting that you spaced out for like ten minutes," Roman asked.

"It's nothing. I just saw the creep of a boy who was standing outside of the girls bathroom. He had the nerve to try and check me out while smiling knowing he was caught outside of the girls bathroom. I just saw him walking by and found out that the creep has a girlfriend. Can you believe that he checked me out while he was dating another girl," Letha asked.

Roman looked over and saw the back of Peter who had his arm wrapped around the girl he's walking with. "It sure would be ashame for the innocent girlfriend to learn that her precious boyfriend has a wandering eye. I usually have a way of breaking bad news to people. When I can manage to get the new girl alone so I can tell her about what her boyfriend did. Then all I have to do is wait patiently for when she's ready to thank me in her own way."

"Having sex with her is not right Roman. Don't you think it would be bad to take advantage of the poor girl after she had gotten her heart broken by the love of her life," Letha asked.

"Grow up Letha. Life isn't a fairytale. People are bound to get hurt. All I'm saying is when that poor girl gets hurt, I'll be there to help make her feel better and forget all about her scumbag of a boyfriend," Roman said.

"Whatever you say Roman. I just hope for your sake that it doesn't come back and bite you in the butt later on," Letha said before getting up and walking away from Roman.

Peter and Alyse were standing outside of their lockers, talking about how their first day was, and what had happened throughout the day. Peter had told Alyse about what he had heard coming from the girls bathroom earlier. Alyse's reaction to what he told her was exactly what he knew would happen, except for the light smack on the chest.

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