You Dont Know Me

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Tyrone ran his hooves through Austin's fur, breathing in his musky smell. He kissed Austin's neck and the kangaroo gasped at the sensation. "I need you, Ty," he said breathily. "Then take me. Take all of me."
Tyrone awoke with a start, and it took a couple seconds to register that he had been dreaming. He sighed, and checked under the covers. No sticky sheets, thank goodness, but now he was rock hard. "Fucking whatever." Tyrone growled. "I don't even care anymore." He stomped it of bed to the kitchen.
Austin was sipping some bitter coffee and saw Tyrone stomp into the kitchen over he rim of his mug. Tyrone cracked some eggs into a pan, and while they fried he turned to grab something from the fridge. Austin's eyes widened and he choked on his coffee. Tyrone's pajama shorts barely concealed his huge bulge. Austin coughed and sputtered, blushing fiercely. He expected Tyrone to blush too, or at least try to conceal himself, but he just slammed the fridge door shut and continued cooking. "Good morning," The orange moose said curtly.
"Uhm, morning," Austin said meekly, eyes boring into Tyrone's back.
Tyrone seemed to sense his stares. He whipped around, his bulge once again on full display, "Do you want some eggs or what?" He snapped.
"What the hell, Ty? Calm down!"
"Don't you fucking 'Ty' me, Austin you've been ignoring me for days!"
"Yeah, b-but I'm not mad at you!"
"Well then what the fuck happened that night!"
Austin's eyes teared up. "I can't tell you,"
"Of course you can't!" Tyrone roared "Just leave me here to second guess myself and wonder what I did wrong!"
"You didn't do anything wrong, Ty!"
"DON'T CALL ME TY!!!" Tyrone flew across the kitchen, pinning Austin against the wall. His breath was heavy, his speech slurred with hurt and confusion. Tears dropped down Austin's cheeks, yet he blushed deeply at their situation. There he was, with his crush pinning him against a wall. His eyes flashed down to Tyrone's pants, where his raging erection was just inches from Austin's skin. He looked back up at Tyrone and flinched, expecting a punch or another scream.
Instead, he felt Tyrone's lips smash into his. His eyes opened in shock and he saw that Tyrone was crying. Austin wrapped his arms around Tyrone's broad shoulders and pulled him in closer, before stumbling into his room, still kissing him.

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