
With a chair.

Made of steel.

"Another kiss?!" Ester and Aliyah exclaimed.

Ignoring them, "One freaking kiss Declan, doesn't mean we're dating."

"In some countries you'd be married." Dmitri jokes.

"What does it mean then?" Declan gets mad over this? Really?

   You are injuring his man ego. Zayden explained.

Huh. Maybe having a guy in my head won't be so bad.

"It means I'm confused." I replied simply.

"But you kissed me. You pulled me to you. You-"

Zane cut Declan off, "We get it."

"Yeah desesperado. No need to go into the details. I don't want those images keeping me up at night." Kyle grinned halfheartedly.

"For real man. That's my cousin. If I want to picture two people getting freaky it won't be my best friend and cousin. Maybe Selena Gomez and Kim Kardashian, no! Britney Spears and Marlin Monroe."

"Dmitri check yourself! I don't want to picture anyone, let alone two girls!"Aliyah covered her ears, looking grossed out.

"No one will be picturing Melody doing anything with anyone. Is that clear?" Zane shouted. A few actually muttered "Yes".

   He went from hating me, to begging for my forgiveness, to fighting for me, and is now defending my honor. I said to Zayden.

   Lover boy has it bad. Zayden laughed.

"Enough! We're way off subject." Jordan said, pushing Declan and Zane away from each other. Then he got Declan's right arm, twisted it behind his back, making a "pop" sound. "Release my cousin or so help me."

Knowing this threat is real, Declan let me loose, only to have my hand captured by Zane. Jordan dropped Declan's arm and glowered at Zane, "She says let go, you let go."

"Cross my heart." Zane made an "x" over his chest.

   Diabetes back full force. Zayden gasped dramatically.

"Okay then. Mel, you, Kyle, and Ali breathe underwater, mind control, swims impossibly fast, and move water within a body. Correct?" Jordan was all business now, no more games.


"We need to break this down."

"Jordan, what do you mean?" Aliyah questioned.

"There's a connection here."

"What kinda connection?" Ester pushed.

"Between us. Think. We've got the three swimmers, the three athletes, and the three goody-two-twos."

"I'm lost." Kyle whined.

"Meat head, I know it hurts you to think but try. Don't you see? This isn't right." Jordan sighed.

"He's mean. Poco mierda(little shit)." Kyle mumbled.

"Jordan, explain." Dmitri egged him.

"We've all basically grown up together. I may live in Japan but I visit every summer and holiday. Zane went to Florida but came back. We all either have strong family ties or grand childhood friendships that have lasted years. This can't all be a coincidence." Jordan said.

"Keep going." I think I know what he's getting at.

"We all have powers. And somehow someone out there knows. I, Dmitri, Ali, and Mel are close cousins. As are Ester and Kyle. Declan and Zane are good friends, not to each other, but to the rest of us. Whoever threw us together wanted us to be close. To grow up together and make fun, happy memories." After what Jordan said, I know I was way off base.

   The boy is absolutely brilliant. Zayden praised.

   Are you saying he's right?!

We can learn a lot from the youth, if one would give the time. Things will be clear soon little wave.

Must you Yoda my ass now? I complain.

"Why? Why go through all the trouble?" Declan wondered.

"That's what gets me." Was Jordan's reply.

I broke the silence. "So what's everyone's power? The swimmers, athletes and goody-two-shoe. Who's what?" I said.

"Look at everyone's characteristics, everyone's traits. Obviously Melody, Kyle and Aliyah are the swimmers. The mind thing, the swimming, everything. We've got them down.

"Athletes?" Ali pressed.

"Open your eyes people! I'm eight and I kick ass. Dmitri and Declan are the star quarter and running backs." Jordan was getting frustrated.

"What are our powers?" Dmitri smirked, getting e death glare from Jordan.

"So what. Me and Zane are the goody-two-shows." Ester noted with heavy sarcasm.

"Along with Vivian." I added, earning dirty looks. "What? All of them sing perfectly, have light features, and are sweet, maybe not Ester..." a few laughed and Ester flipped me off.

"Exactly Mel. We have these strange powers, someone knows, and put us in this small town. The real question is why." Jordan said.

"Ester call Vivian and tell her to get ready." I ordered.

"Why?" Ester was already dialing Vivi's number.

"We need her. We're going to the tree house to talk about all this." My voice was firm.

"Listen people, go get changed. Ester take Mel's car and get Vivian, explain everything to her. Aliyah go with her. Kyle take Dmitri and Declan with you. Zane, you will take me and Mel in your car to the tree house. Okay people. Move." With that everyone scrambled to the dressing rooms.

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