Chapter 3

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Hermione POV:
George decided to stay until my birthday. Which was today. Draco had dropped off a beautiful shirt with a snake and lion, ripped jeans, black laced boots, and a jean skirt. He waited outside the door while I changed. When I walked out a huge smile plastered on his face.
"Shall we go to dinner?" He asked.
"We shall." I said.
We arrived at the Great Hall and everyone went silent. All the boys were looking at me with shock, even Ronald. I walked over and sat in the middle of Ginny and Draco.
Dessert rolled around and Draco pulled two boxes out of his pocket.
Draco climbed onto the table. "May I have everyone's attention please!" Draco screamed across the hall. "Hermione if you could join me?" Draco placed his hand out and pulled me up. "Harry and George helped me pick this." He said. "It's a gold chain with rubies to represent Gryffindor." Draco opened the first box and placed it on my neck. "This one involves an important question." Draco let out a deep breath. "Hermione Jean Granger?" Everyone gasped. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
I looked at Draco to Ginny, George, Harry, and Ron. I started to cry. "Yes. Yes Draco!" I pulled Draco into a hug.
All the girls were on the edge of their seats and Draco opened the second box.
It was a beautiful ring in form of a snake, it was all gold, and lined with emeralds and diamonds. I turned to Draco and kissed him. Everyone started cheering and clapping. Draco helped me off the table and all the girls came over to check out the ring.
Ron came over. "Malfoy She will never love you more than me." Ron poked Draco in the chest.
"Actually Ronald I love him more." I said. "Always have."
Harry choked on his drink. "It's true." Ginny said.
"You knew about this?!" Harry said.
"Yep." Ginny said.
"What about what happened at the Manor?" Ron said crossing his arms.
Draco POV:
I saw Hermione rub her scar. I grabbed her arm. "He's just trying to get under your skin." I whispered.
"He's the one who got me through it." Hermione said. "If you don't remember he pretended he didn't know who Harry was!" Hermione was raising her voice. "You know what?" Hermione stood on the table. "DRACO HELPED THE TRIO DURING THE WAR! HE PRETENDED HE DIDN'T KNOW US! THEY DIDN'T HURT US UNTIL THEY SAW THE SWORD!" Hermione raised her sleeve. "DRACO WAS THE ONE WHO KEPT ME SANE WHILE I WAS BEING TORTURED!" Hermione looked at Ron. "AND RON ONLY WANTED ME FOR MY BODY!" Everyone gasped. "Hope you enjoy your feast RONALD!" Hermione ran to the dorm and I chased after her.
I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't stop.
"Draco!" George yelled. "She needs space."
I kept going and found Hermione on the bed crying. She had thrown the photo of the Weasley's at the closet.
"Hermione." I said.
"He's a bloody git!" Hermione threw the pillow. "He has a loving family..." Hermione started crying more.
I sat next to Hermione and rubbed her back. "What's wrong with him having a loving family?" I asked.
"Draco." Hermione said. "My parents died. I obliviated their minds, so they thought I didn't exist and Voldemort wouldn't go after them. They still found them." Hermione continued to cry.
I pulled her into a hug. "Weasley is a bloody git." I said.
George came in with Ginny and Harry. Ginny sat next to Hermione, Harry and George made her some tea, and I organized everything she had thrown/destroyed.
Hermione POV:
I woke up and saw Harry and Ginny on the couch. "Wake up dorks!" I threw a pillow at them.
"Where'd you get coffee?" Harry asked rubbing his eyes.
I pointed to a door. "The kitchen's in there."
Harry got up and I handed Ginny an outfit. "One of my old ones." I said.
"I can tell." Ginny said. "I'll just wear Harry's shirt with the ripped jeans."
"What'll Harry wear?" I asked.
"GEORGE WEASLEY!" Ginny screamed.
"Yes..." George said half asleep.
"Give Harry one of your shirts or I'll hex you. Love you. Bye." Ginny said.
George came out with his shirt just as Harry came in.
"Here." Ginny said throwing the shirt to Harry. "Now give me yours!" She demanded.
"I'll go wake up Draco while you do this."
I walked in and saw Draco snuggled up on the bed. I walked over and shook him lightly.
"What?" Draco said covering his head.
"Get up today is our first day officially a couple." I said.
"I'm up!" He said. "What should I wear?" He asked.
"Hmmmm." I said. "White button up shirt with a tie and jeans. What about me?"
Draco pulled out a green silk dress and silver heels.
"Are you trying to make me a snake queen?" I said.
"Only if I'm your snake king." Draco said.
We walked out and Ginny came running over. "My snake king and queen!"
"Gin they're not married." George said. "So I can beat up Malfoy!"
Ginny shot George a deadly look. "Oh I forgot I owled mom. So let's see Ronald get a howler!" Ginny rubbed her hands together and bolted out of the dorm.
We arrived to the Great Hall and sat down. We began to eat and the owls came. Sure enough Ron got a howler.
The howler ended and Ginny and George laughed at Ron. Ron sat there furious. Draco looked at me speechless. Harry left the Great Hall to laugh.
The whole day went on and everyone was talking about the howler.
Draco POV:
Hermione and I were sitting on the couch when a Weasley came in. Hermione got up and hugged them.
"Bill this is Draco, as you may know." Hermione said.
"Draco you probably already heard this from Harry and George, but if you make a stupid move like my brother did I will get Ginny to hex you." Bill said.
"Nice to meet you too." I mumbled. "I don't think there is enough room for everyone of your family to stay here." I said to Hermione.
"Oh he's not staying!" Hermione said. "Molly came in to yell at Ronald."
"Ronald?" Bill said. "You're that mad?"
"Yes I am." Hermione said.
"This is worst then your periods." Bill said.
I looked at Bill. "Nothing is worst than Hermione punching you in your nose." I said.
Bill laughed at that and Hermione started apologizing. "It was once! Ask the Weasley's how many times I've hit them!"
"I'm just pulling your leg." I said.
I saw more Weasley's walk in. "I'll give you guys space." I said.
"Draco Malfoy sit down!" Hermione shouted.
I sat down and put my hands in the air for a few seconds.
"I am so sorry Hermione." Molly said before hugging Hermione.
"I punched him." Percy said walking out of the crowd.
George came walking out of Hermione's room. "Hello to you too family." George said.
All the Weasley's looked at me. "Isn't that her room?" Charlie said.
"Charlie don't do anything, same situation with Ron only sleeping." Hermione said.
"Hasn't he been here for a few weeks, and you guys got together yesterday." Charlie said.
"Yesterday was making it official." I said. "We kissed a few times before."
All the boys glared at me and Molly looked at them. "Stop being overprotective, you're acting like Harry and George."
"I heard that!" George shouted from the kitchen.
"Good!" Bill shouted back.
"Learn from it!" Percy shouted.
Hermione POV:
All the Weasley's left, except George. "Don't you have a store!" I said annoyed.
"It's under construction, I'm making it bigger." George said. "Don't you like sharing a room with Draco?"
"He has to much clothes!" I whined.
"You have more than me!" Draco shouted from the bedroom. "I have one fourth of the closet!"
"Okay I'm organizing your clothes people." George said.
I followed George into the room and sat on the bed.
He got all clothes and put them on the bed next to me. Then he put a divider between the rod. Draco sat up.
"Wait!" He screamed.
Draco grabbed my lingerie and put it in a drawer. "I'll organize that later." He said.
George set out on his mission. He hung up all of my dresses (which Draco bought), hung up my formal shirts, and put my pants and remaining shirts in the closet drawer, then he organized all shoes into a neat row. Next, he went to Draco's side. He hung up shirts and hoodies, folded pants into drawer, and put his shoes next to mine.
"Done!" He said. "If you need any help ask me."
Draco was organizing my lingerie and held up a bra. "This must feel dreadful." He said with a smirk.
"It does." I snatched the bra out of his hands and put it with the rest.
"You know sharing this dorm isn't dreadful." Draco said.
"Oh yeah." I said turning to him.
"Yep." Draco grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. "I have you."
Draco kissed me like he was trying to apologize. He succeeded, all grudges and worries went away. I had him against the wall and put my legs around him. We only stopped for air. He made it down to my neck leaving hickeys as he went. I started to unbutton his shirt. He unzipped my dress and the night went on.
Draco POV:
I woke up with Hermione's bare body against mine. She was like a baby in winter trying to get warmth. I got dressed and woke her up for class. Hermione chose her button up shirt with one of my ties, to match me, and a short jean skirt with her black heeled boots.
We got to the Great Hall and I helped Hermione cover her hickey. We sat down and started eating. First class potions.
We arrived and took our seats. Hermione kept laughing throughout the whole class. She booped me on the nose and started laughing. Blaise pulled his chair up to us.
"Your relationship is sickening." Blaise said. "Don't get me wrong it's adorable, but you two act like babies."
"We do not." Hermione said. "We just know how to have fun."
"Hermione you literally just booped him on the nose." Blaise said.
"You never know Blaise." I said. "She would be a great mom."
Hermione turned to me. "When you get older do you want kids?" She asked.
"Of course!" I replied. "I want a boy who has your hair."
"But straight." Hermione said. "With your beautiful silver eyes." Hermione sighed.
"With your brains." I added.
"And your quidditch skills." Hermione said.
Blaise took his chair and left. "You brought it up Blaise!" I shouted.
Hermione dropped her wand and went to pick it up. Her skirt was a little to short so I went behind her, so no boys get any ideas.
We left potions and made our way to the Gryffindor tower, we hadn't seen Harry and Ginny so we went to check on them. They were still asleep so Hermione woke them up. Ginny tucked Hermione's hair behind her ears to see the necklace and gasped. Hermione covered her neck and leaned against the wall. Harry got up to see the commotion.
"Hermione move your hand." Harry said crossing his arms.
"Promise not to kill Draco!" Hermione said.

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