''Promised ? ...''

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Anguish, it will never leave me, I'm choking, I'm afraid of losing him. All these emotions live in me and want to manifest one after the other, all at the same time. I do not want to lose him, I do not want him to leave me for another ... forever. A silhouette stands near me and waits for me to announce that ...

I'm afraid of losing him, for pity's sake, why him, if anyone hears me pity me, but let him go, Celestin ...


I met this young man one day in the summer of my fifteenth birthday.

By closing my eyes I can remember that precise moment, a pale face, a melodious laugh like a bell tingling with the wind, and oh God an angelic smile of his own. These more than enchanting features have not removed from me the most beautiful of his charms, stunning eyes, the apple that amazed me with a single glance. His eyes, deep blue as the ocean, I dream of being able to dive in, to explore, ... But what do I say?

I saw his eyes rest on me and while I looked at him smugly, he could not help but let out a little chuckle that brought me back to earth. Certainly, I had not impressed him so much, but I was rather surprised by my bliss. With a little cheerful smile he asked me:

"Hi, are you new to the village?"

"I-I, ..." I replied

I blushed by my rather incomplete answer, arching my head towards my stomach, the boy touched my shoulder as if to bring me back to earth. He summoned:

"Earth is calling the moon, do you receive me, commander?"

Still somewhat embarrassed, I closed my eyes to feign a possible loss in my thoughts. A few seconds later, the touch on my shoulder dissipated and I felt the intense weight of his attention coming down. I opened my eyes and scanned the surroundings to find a brown head among the many plots of land and rock in the coastal area where we were. After a few moments, I found him sitting on a rock watching the waves crash on the edge of the sea. He invited me to join him. Sitting, rocked by the waves, we gazed at the water, the waves standing on the shore.

He invited my gaze to rest on a stone he held in his right hand. I understood his intention. We approached the sea and each, with a pebble in the hand and we were shooting strong shots each one stronger than before. At the end of our game, I avowed myself defeated, the charm, the talent, this boy had decidedly everything for him. I will confide that I became jealous over time. If only time in his company could last longer, because once with him, I had to leave him almost as prematurely as when I arrived. Unless the hours we spent together were going too fast.

We had to leave finally after several hours together. The attachment I felt towards him only grew and took root in me as soon as we met. My heart was turned over once more when he told me his sweet name:

'' It's Celestin ''.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ilyes," I said.

How to hate a being as pure and innocent as this boy, it was all for me at that moment, was it love at first sight? I did not know the answer, however, I knew the sequence of events. After our separation the same evening, we met again the next day, we were like friends who had known each other since their childhood even if we had only met since the day before. We talked about everything and nothing, the rain and the good weather. Every minute, every smile made me fall for him even more. So much so that I remained with him the same year and the following year, until the fateful day.

Before that day, I fell under your spell

Before that day, I knew your friendship

Before that day, we were like the two fingers of one's hand.

A shooting star named CelestinWhere stories live. Discover now