Lost Friendship

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This was from a writing club I do on Instagram. If you want my Insta, DM me:-)
The prompt was: you have to write a one shot or short scene that is SAD. It can be for any reason in the story or the character

Friends are people who you know and have a bond that cannot be broken. However some friendships end. Many friendships end. There can be many reasons why friends end their relationship. However some are unknown, and some just end with no "goodbye." I've always had trouble remembering old friends, but there's one in particular is one I'll never forget.

I met them about a year ago. I didn't really know that person enough to make an opinion on them. I just rolled with life and continued. But little did I know how much of an impact they had on my life.

About a month or two after we met, I started figuring them out. I started to learn about their life. We talked a few times. Then we were around each other a little more than before. Then I guess you could have considered us as "friends" and all. Even though we were two years apart going to different schools. Some say we had a connection that couldn't happen unless we were meant to be with each other. But I always believed that our relationship was as strong as it could be.

Then we started hanging out with each other more often. We had long conversations when we could and made each other happy, and if we were already happy, we would be happier with one another. There was never a time that we weren't happy if we were within five feet of one another. I don't know why we were so close. No one could answer that question.

The more we were with each other, the stronger our relationship was. From strangers to good friends, and from good friends to close friends. I never thought we would ever have to split apart, until that day came.

The day we were forced to split was the worst day of my life. I'd thought I would see them some other day, but that day never came. I knew I would have to part from them. However, I thought I would be able to spend time with them more often, but that day never happened. I can remember every single moment with them. I can remember the times we spend together. I can remember the memories we made. I can still remember how they would hug me every once in a while. I can still remember with people thought we were more than friends. I can still remember them.

I thought I would forget they existed. I thought I could get over it. But I still see them in my dreams. I can see their smile. I can hear their laugh. I can still hear their voice. I can still remember every single moment with them. Our friendship never ended, but it will never come back. I'll never forget them as I continue to live with a lost friendship.

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