I hear some of the conversation while I'm still in earshot.

"Jason's really pissed you left with him. Gavin said he was screaming and broke Dylan's truck mirror off," Elaine tells her.

She laughs. "Bet Dylan's pissed, too. I don't really care how Jason's feeling right now."

I finally get out of hearing range and head to get some breakfast before class. She wants me to sit with her at lunch. Who's all going to be there? I have to eat in front of her. I hope it's nothing messy.


Lunch time is coming up fast, and I can't sit still. I'm really nervous, and it's just lunch! But with her friends. We left things kind of awkward last night. Well, Jason did.

The bell rings, making me jump. I swallow my nerves and slip out of the classroom. I make my way to the cafeteria and see her leaning against the wall on her phone by the double doors.

As soon as she sees me, she flashes me a smile. "Hey! Took you long enough," she jokes. She grabs my wrist and drags me into the line. Woah.

We grab some trays and put our food on them. She starts walking to her usual table she sits at. I see Elaine and Kayson already sitting there. I wonder if Kayson is still going to be nice to me like yesterday. Or if he's going to act different now, considering Jason doesn't like me.

She takes a seat, and I sit in the empty one beside her. I feel like I should get Wes over here to help keep me calm. I glance over to him to see him sitting alone. Damn. I feel bad. He glances up at me and smirks, flashing me a thumbs up and a wink. Why did I even feel bad? Hell, he probably wouldnt come over here even if I asked him.

Gavin shows up, taking the seat across from us. "Give me your roll, Maya," he says, reaching for it.

"Fuck you," she replies, pulling her tray away from him.

"C'mon, please," he pouts. She huffs, rolls her eyes, and gives him the roll. He rips off half of it in one bite. "So... are we not going to talk about last night?"

Amaya is staring down at her food, picking at it with her fork. "There's nothing to talk about."

"All I saw was Alyx lifting you off of her, Jace bitching you out, and Lexi on the ground. I mean, we all knew it was bound to happen at some point, but I want to know what started it." So, last night wasnt random?

"Same," Kayson agrees with him. "We were inside the whole time. And Elaine said you haven't told her anything, yet. So, what happened?"

"She was being a cunt, saying shit she shouldn't say." Amaya stabs her fork into her spaghetti and shoves some in her mouth. Her mood changes so fast. She was happy when we first walked in.

Dylan suddenly yanks a chair back, causing a scraping sound against the floor. He takes a seat by Gavin. He leans back in the chair, crossing his arms. He looks mad. More like pissed. Probably about his bruised-up girlfriend. Or his truck.

He mutters something under his breath.

"What?" Amaya asks, flashing her eyes up to him. She sucks her teeth and cocks her head.

His eyes shoot to hers. "I said, 'You're the reason Jason broke my mirror.' And it's your fault Lexi's home with bruised ribs," he spits and glares harder. "She's your friend."

"Your bitch's fault. Not mine." Damn. She drops her eyes back down to her food and takes another bite, looking unbothered.

He sharply inhales and opens his mouth to say something. His eyes look above us, and he snaps his mouth closed. He looks back to Amaya, giving her a menacing look before grabbing his tray and stomping off from the table

"Hey, Maya," I hear Jasons voice say from behind us. Amaya stares forward, her face emotionless. Jason takes a seat on the opposite side of her. "What's he doing here?" he says, not so quietly.

She drops her fork and turns to him. "He's my friend, and I wanted him to sit with us," she says with an irritated tone. It's already getting awkward. The others at the table are just staring back and forth between the three of us.

"Okay, fine," he says. He looks angry, though. This situation is making me uncomfortable. "So, where did you two go last night?"

"I told you I-"

He cuts her off. "I wasn't asking you. I'm asking him," he says, nodding towards me with raised eyebrows.

To say I'm caught off guard is an understatement. "Oh. She just took me home after we left," I say as honest sounding as I can.

He looks at me intently for a few more seconds, making my palms sweat. "So, you're telling me you didn't fuck her?"

My eyes practically bulge out of my head. I almost choke before replying, "Uh, no. I didn't." I give him a confused look, furrowing my brows. What's his deal? Nothing happened. Besides me confessing but I'm definitely not telling him that.

He lifts an eyebrow. "And I'm just supposed to believe that? Well... I guess maybe she wouldn't with you." Ouch. That kind of stung. I already knew that, but I didn't like hearing it out loud. And I can't believe he just did that to her. He totally disregarded her and didn't trust her answer. Plus, it's none of his business what she does.

Jason starts eating like he didnt just make everything awkward. I glance at Amaya to make sure shes okay. She still looks emotionless. I wish I could know what was going on in her head. I notice her fingers clenching around her cup of water. Her fingers close, and the plastic cup bursts, causing water to spill out on the table. Elaine gasps, and Kayson's eyes widen. Gavin quickly grabs his phone to avoid it getting wet.

"What the hell, Maya?!" Jason yells.

"Fuck you, Jason." She stands and starts to walk away, but he jumps up and grabs her wrist, making me tense up.

"What's your problem?" he whisper yells.

"You have issues." She yanks her wrist out of his grip.

"What am I supposed to think? You met him like yesterday and left with him. Then you wouldn't even answer me last night. How do I know you didn't go home with him?" Well, that definitely didn't happen.

"You're getting way too in over your head. You're not my fucking boyfriend! If I want to hang out with him over you, I can and will. If I want to go home with him, I can and will. I can do whatever the fuck I want! With him or anybody else that I want!" The way that sounded was kind of like she wants me. I know she didnt mean to phrase it like that, though.

He grabs her elbow when she turns away from him again. She whips around so fast and nails him right in his face with her fist, making a loud thud. Everyone gasps and stands up from the table, including myself. Woah! She really just decked him like it was nothing. Why was it kind of hot?

He grabs his nose and glares at her. She turns and storms out of the cafeteria, not looking back any. Jason slams his chair under the table and grabs his food. His nose is bleeding. He kind of looks embarrassed, too. I would feel bad for him if I didn't know how he is. He throws his food away and heads for the doors, leaving out of them.

"Did you two really not fuck?" Gavin asks.

My eyes widen again and let a cough out. "No. We didn't." Why does everyone assume that? I guess I'm glad they're not assuming I'm a virgin and that I don't have a chance with her. Or are they just assuming the worst of Amaya? I wonder where she ran off to. I hope Jason didnt chase after her.

A/N- Let me know what you think! Comment and vote.

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