Ch 2: Not-So-Romantic Start to a Rom-Com

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I cross my arms and walk behind Vampire Ruben, Beefcake Victor walking just behind me with a subtle glare. I don't feel bad at all for making him hurt his arm. He deserved it. 

I dread making it to the Camp True Love Director's cabin. Who is this person? And what will they 'decide to do with me'? I probably shouldn't have flown off the handle at Prissy Lauren and Beefcake Victor like that. But THEY were rude FIRST. 

I roll my eyes at myself and focus on the scenery. It was, in all honesty, a truly beautiful mountain range. It was a little cooler now that I was out of the bus, but that didn't stop the heat from making me sweat. I've always HATED the outdoors, I'm guessing because of the heat and bugs. I HATE bugs. Not because they're creepy, but because they splatter everywhere when you kill them, just like in Stephen King's books. 

I know bugs are supposed to splatter, but it's just disgusting to wipe off and everything. AND THE BUG BITES! UGH!

"Watch it, punk." Vampire Ruben growls as I stumble and nearly fall into him. I snarl and narrow my eyes at his back. 

"Well then why don't you tell you fellow trees to keep their roots to themselves?" It takes all of my self restraint not to look back at Beefcake Victor. I'm still pissed at him for touching me and breathing on me. Oh puke. Just thinking about his breath on my neck makes me gag. 

Beefcake Victor looks less angry now, I can see him barely out of the corner of my eye. Instead, he's looking around at the scenery with a thoughtful look. I take a moment to take in all his features. Dark tan skin, blue eyes, decently large muscles under his milky pink Camp True Love shirt, dark brown wavy hair, semi-tight skinny jeans that happen to be black, and finally, black all over converses. 

Somewhere deep inside of me, I feel sorta Impressed. He doesn't have too much of bad taste. But the milky pink shirt? Barf. 

The view, god the view is beautiful. It's still early in the morning, so the pink and red in the sky has still not yet gone out of the big blue sky. The green and yellow mountains trap me from every angle. The trees look larger than usual and more lush than actual trees. Somehow, in my mind, something feels off, not just about the scenery, but also about the people here. Prissy Lauren seems like she could  be a nice person, but her personality just seems a little forced. Vampire Ruben just looks like something straight out of Twilight anyway, so that's him. 

Beefcake Victor seems like the only normal camp councilor so far. Maybe I won't even have to meet any more. Maybe the camp Director will send me home...

I highly doubt it. I silently sigh to myself and internally groan, even I can tell we're getting closer to the camp Director's cabin, but also we're getting further from other human beings and entering deeper into the woods. I can feel the woods getting deeper and thicker, the light from the sun is starting to dim. I get a sick butterfly-like feeling in my chest and stomach. 

Why do I feel like something bad is about to happen? Oh god, did Cassey sign me up straight for a horror film? I feel like all the old horror movie tropes are catching up with me. I feel like I'm about to get murdered. Just as i feel like puking, I start to see a break in the trees and see a large, wooden, nice looking cabin in a small clearing. 

I can't help but to grin at the absolutely beautiful cabin, which just happens, to be in the woods. Just like that movie Cabin In the Woods, which wasn't actually my favorite, but i guess some people kinda liked it, so, that's their opinion. 

Vampire Ruben reaches for the door and opens it for me, mock bowing. "Ladies first." 

I smirk at him and completely stop walking, causing Beefcake Victor to nearly run me over with his muscles. 

"Then, shuldn't you go first, Ruben? After all, you just finished your 'successful acting part' in Twilight. Shouldn't you go first to celebrate and get out of the sun, so we don't ave to see you sparkle?" I sneer at him menacingly. His face goes beet red and he snarls at me. Beefcake Victor steps in front of me and walks through the door. 

"Let's go, ladies, no need to pussy fight." I narrow my eyes at Beefcake Victor's retreating, muscle-full back. I simply don't have time to call an offensive reply after him. I push past Vampire Ruben, but a small smirk comes onto my face. Beefcake Victor may have some good comebacks that I should learn from. He might have some offensive sarcasm I can steal away from him. 

Walking through the halls behind Beefcake Victor, I notice lots of odd oil paintings hanging on the walls. Some even looks like they have blood infused in them. 

Vampire Ruben pushes in front of me, elbowing me to the side and shoving me against the wall. I snarl at his back and he casts me a sly smirk. He shoves Beefcake to the side too, but Beefcake Victor just picks himself back up and keeps walking like nothing ever happened. How can he be so chill with how Vampire Ruben acts? 

Just for Vampire Ruben being an asshole, I'm renaming him. His new name is Sparkles Ruben. I suddenly feel much happier with my choice. Sparkles Ruben? 

I find myself laughing very hard out loud just before passing through another door with Sparkles holding the thick, polished wooden door open. 

"What, I pray, is so funny, Mr. Trueman?" A long shiver runs down my spine as the soft and soothing voice of honey, but mostly of a female speaks out from the center of the large room. 

Oh god, the Director. 

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