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The day after, John, Korey and I all climbed into a Lyft after checking out of the hospital.
Seth was still stable but in a coma. We all agreed we'd go to the bus and take some down time and shower before coming back that evening to visit him.

"So how's everyone doing," John asked timidly, looking back at Korey and I.

My eyes flicked over to Korey, who was staring out the window at the skyscrapers and palm trees. She didn't say anything in response, nor indicate she even heard him.

I looked back up at John, "We're alright. Just need some recovery time is all."

He nodded silently, worry etched into his face still. The rear view mirror seemed to just accent the bags under his eyes.

A few minutes of silence passed before Korey suddenly gasped and slapped her hand on the window, "Wait wait wait stop the car!"

We screeched to a halt as she unbuckled her seat belt and opened the door. I looked beyond her before copying her. Our rented blue Impreza was roped off with yellow police tape, still smashed and crumpled right where we had left it.
A police car was parked a little farther away behind an older black car.

"Hey what's going on here," Korey asked the two officers. Her question also alerted the two men in suits just beyond the tape, who seemed to be looking around the car.

I shared an interested glance with them, but overall they just struck me as normal detectives.

"Ma'm, stay back okay, we are investigating a possible murder."

I snorted under my breath and glanced over at Korey. Her eyes were squinted against the morning sun, trying to figure out the two men beside the car.

"Who are they," she asked, nodding in their general direction.

"That," the officer replied in a bored tone, "Is none of your business. You should leave now unless you have any leads for us?"

A soft ringing filled my ears.
The longer haired one glanced at us, nudging his partner slightly as he whispered, "Dean. Look."

The other one-Dean-raised his head, taking us in. His eyes rested on John, who had left the Lyft to join us by the wreck.

"None of them look particularly wolffish to me, Sam," Dean whispered back, going back to whatever he was doing previously.

Sam looked us over once more before he kneeled down on the other side of the car.
I winced, rubbing my temples as the noise in my head increased.

"Sorry officer, we'll be on our way," John told him, guiding Korey back to the Lyft.

"Took you long enough," the driver complained as we got back in. I glanced back out the window at the scene one last time as we peeled out of sight.
It wasn't long until the black car was behind us, following at a distance.
My heart dropped to my stomach as I turned back around.


I had fully intended to nap when I got to the bus. I envisioned myself falling into my bunk, drawing the small curtain and completely blocking out for a few hours.
Well, that's how it normally would have gone if I was feeling normal but today, I just wasn't.
I got the first two objectives met but sleep didn't come for me.
I found myself listening in to yet another conversation, fiddling with the corner of the bandage on my shoulder.

"You have to seek help John," Korey was whispering, almost furiously.

"Korey, you have to understand-"

"I don't care! This is dangerous and you know it."

"Listen! Do you know how many hunters there are out there?"

Silence-barring the soft humming of the air conditioning-ruled the bus space for a few moments.

"I gotta shower," John muttered.

I shut my eyes tight, praying for sleep to come. Anxiety was gripping my stomach, making me nauseated.
Somethings wrong with me. Something is so very wrong with me. Somethings...

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