"How are you?" Robert asked, lighting a cigarette.

"I'm great. I'm amazing."

"Good, glad you're having a good time. You look familiar, have I met you before?"

"N-no, we've never met. Maybe you saw me last night, I was one of the groupies."

"Why are you so nervous, love?" He questioned, ignoring her previous sentences.

Mary gulped her saliva hard at the nickname "love" given by Robert. "I dunno, just meeting new people, especially you guys, it's really surreal. I can't believe I'm sitting here, talking with you."

"Thank you, that's so sweet." Robert crookedly smirked his famous smirk as he exhaled cigarette smoke away from Mary's direction. "So you're Jimmy's girlfriend?"

"No no no, just a groupie he liked a little too much." Mary smiled, wishing his assumption were true.

"Oh, I see. He's pretty lonely a lot of the time, I'm surprised he hasn't got a girlfriend."

"Jimmy? Lonely?"

"Yes, yes. Believe it or not, many of us rockers are real loners. Especially Jimmy. He's got drink and drugs to fill the empty space though, partying to fill it. That's why it seems as though a lot of us are people persons, because we like to party. Me? I've got kids, a wife, to fill my empty spaces so I don't need all the material things to keep me sane."

"Wow. It's amazing how different our lives are."

"Really, it might be good for him if he had a woman to keep his life in check, don't you think?"

"I suppose, but I don't know if I'd be fit for that role. Hell, I'm only twenty years old, and he's twenty-nine. Almost thirty."

"That may be true, but Jimmy's actually a very down-to-earth man. He's a family man at heart, a true gentleman. But sometimes he gets a little out of hand."

"Out of hand, how?"

"Well, considering he is a borderline drug addict and alcoholic, he tends to get a tad crazy. Nothing too ridiculous, though, so you don't need to worry."

"Do you think he even wants someone?" Mary asked, crossing her legs to match Robert's formal style of sitting.

"Oh," Robert blurted, letting loose another puff of smoke, "he says it all the time, Mary. He's always going on about wanting to settle with a family."

"A family? I can't do a family just yet, I'm too young for that."

"Maybe you're not now, but having a family is much easier than you might presume. I've got two young ones with my wife now, and they're so delightful."

"That's adorable. What are their names?"

"My daughter, Carmen, she's five. And my son, Karac, he's just over a year now." Robert beamed as he generously bragged about his beloved children, putting out the cigarette between his fingertips.

"How precious." Mary caught the contagious joy and thought about a family she might have with Jimmy, how perfect their lives would be with mini Jimmys running around.

"Parenthood is so glorious, and I think Jimmy's jealous of what I have. That's why he wants a family so bad, he wants the happiness and peace of mind that I have with my life."

Mary let a silence creep between the two as she deeply thought about Robert's wise advice. "And you really think I'm a good match for Jimmy?"

"I don't know you so well, but you're very kind from what I can tell and I personally believe you're just what he needs. You don't have to take my advice, do what you please. I just think you two would make a very nice couple."

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