Almost 45 minutes were spent at the clothing store, most of which were Jimmy staring at Mary and smiling, nodding yes to every article of clothing that touched her fair skin. He sat with his legs crossed and a cigarette dangling from his lips as Mary walked out of her dressing room with an armful of clothes. "Done now?"

Mary nodded and proudly said a thank you to Jimmy as he so kindly paid for the entire purchase without hesitation. Guilt plagued Mary's mind, feeling bad that Jimmy spent his own money on a new wardrobe for her. Jimmy hadn't even thought twice about spoiling her.

"Let's get to the bus now, huh?"

Mary smiled widely and looked up at the grin hidden behind locks of the guitarist's curly dark brown hair. Swiftly did they walk, blocks until they met the enormous tour bus, a place Jimmy and the other three so affectionately called home for months at a time.

"And this," Jimmy said, opening his arms, "is the Led Zeppelin tour bus."

Mary marveled at the sight, one she never thought in a million years that she'd see. Goosebumps embellished Mary's arms; and not from the whipping cold winds of New York City. "This is so cool."

"It's not when you spend months at a time in this thing. Shall we head in?"

"Yes, please, I'm freezing." Mary said, shuddering under the soft layers of her new coat. Jimmy knocked on the bus' doors and, amongst waiting, informed Mary that the boys inside may be crazy or drunk or high, but "don't mind them because they have good intentions."

"About time you showed up, Pagey. And a girl? Get inside." John Paul Jones smiled jokingly and let the two into the warmed tour bus.

"Hi," Mary greeted John, trying her absolute hardest to keep a straight face as she shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you," John greeted back as Jimmy left without her, "What's your name?"

"I'm Mary." She grinned, her excitement obvious upon her cheeks. "Where'd Jimmy go?"

"In the back somewhere with John, probably to smoke a joint before we head on. Have you met Robert yet?"

"Oh, no, not yet. But I'd love to."

"So I can tell you're a fan," John winked, "he's in the lounge room. I'll introduce you to him."

"Oh, thank you so much."

"It's no problem. Sorry Jimmy abandoned you, he does that a lot."

"Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal." Mary brushes his absence off as nothing, but truly she felt left out as he left without a single word.

"Robert!" John said loudly as he and Mary entered the lounge room. More goosebumps found places on Mary's arm as she caught sight of Robert's golden hair. "I have someone who wants to meet you."

"Yeah? Who is it?" Robert sat up from his lazy position and crossed his legs formally.

"This," John stepped aside and Mary stepped forward, "is Mary."

"Why, hello Mary." He smiled effortlessly at the beautiful girl. Mary returned the friendly grin without saying a word. "Is that your new girlfriend, Jonesy?"

"Oh no, she came with Jimmy, but he left with John so she's with us now."

"All right then," Robert shifted again, "take a seat, Mary, he'll most likely be a while."

Mary gladly sat across from him on a red leather couch. Her hands shook with disbelief as she sat in front of Robert Plant. Robert. Plant.

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