Chapter 3

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I walked as fast as possible to the changing room. I knew there was make up running down my face so I tried to hide it as much as I could. The changing room was usually dead empty since everyone was always too busy to even go down there during the day. I had luck, the room was empty. I quickly changed to my work outfit and went into the bathroom to wash off the makeup. I had swollen red eyes with black rings under them from the mascara. When I washed it off I felt refreshed and collected. I felt like my emotions started to loosen a bit which made me calm. I didn't wanna go out there looking all worked up.

I got out to work. No one seem to notice me which was good, I wasn't in the mood to talk. I sat at my table in the paper office when Nikki slid in. She was full of energy and probably dying out of curiosity.

''Hey how did it go? Tell me tell me'' she sat next to me with her big brown eyes watching my every movement. I was too embarrassed to look her in the eyes.

''I don't think I will get the job'' my sad tone made Nikki a bit less pushing.

''What do you mean? What happened?'' Nikki narrowed her eyes at me trying to get eye contact with me.

''I- I don't know...'' I let go of my papers and look at Nikki. There is a split second going before Nikki understood. She saw how puffed and red my eyes were.

''Did it get too emotional?'' she put her hand on my shoulder. I didn't respond.

''It's okey y/n, it's totally understandable'' Her eyes were filled with sorrow and I felt bad for turning her down.

''I'm fine it's just that I feel embarrassed, I have never spun out of control like that. There was so many emotions in me that had been sitting there and finally got to get out you know? Like I literally said f-you to him'' Nikki jumped a little.

''Oh no you did not?'' she smiled in surprise. ''Well he probably deserved it''

I nodded, maybe he did? After talking about it with Nikki I felt a big weight on my shoulder falling off. I felt ready to move on from all of it and just continue with my life like before. Even though it would have felt nice to prove the other women workers that I was good enough for the job.

During the weekend I tried to distract myself. I was going out a lot more, meeting a lot of old friends including Nikki. I had told everyone about the whole thing, what was said and done. None of them really dared to express a real thought since they knew it was a sensitive subject for me, because a lot had to do with my earlier years. It was something very personal to me which they respected. They did however joke about it, saying that I would probably be found poisoned to death in a week for disrespecting the president. Which I did laugh at.

It was a new week and I felt a bit stronger than Friday. Maybe me not getting the job was for the best? Maybe I wasn't prepared for the big responsibility that came with it. But it wasn't 100% sure that I didn't get it. Since no message about it had been brought to me. Until today.

Lunch time, I was once again in my own thoughts while eating. My thoughts were stuck in work and schedule which was nicer to think about than everything that had happened last week. I heard my name through the conversions between the women.

''Hey, y/n! How did the interview go?'' she sounded a lot less aggressive in her tone than last time. They all seemed a lot more easier. Maybe they realized that I had a big chance of getting a higher position which would give me the privilege to fire them. Everyone paid attention to me, as they probably got very interested.

''It went fine. I mean he seemed pretty pleased with me'' I didn't lie. The first part had gone pretty decent until the end. They started to speak on each other, bombing me with questions when someone came in. I couldn't believe it when the presidents own secretary came in. The room fell quiet and everyone stared either at her or me.

''Attention ladies, is any of you 'Y/n Y/l'?''

I started to sweat heavily. Everyone looked directly at me as I stood up.

''Yeah that's me'' my voice was shaking. I looked a bit scared and stressed. She walked up to me.

''Oh great! I thought I would have to search the whole building after you but here you are. Would you want me to make the announcement in more privacy or here?'' She smiled at me.

I didn't know if she would tell me that I got the job or if I didn't. But no matter what, it would feel a lot easier if everyone heard instead of getting the question all the time.

''Here is good'' I hid my excitement behind my poker face to seem a bit mature and confident.

''Very well. It's very good news, you got the assistant job! He expects you tomorrow at 8.00 so you will both have time to discuss payments and other factors'' She smiled again. I felt as if I was flying. The amount of mixed emotions made it harder for me to speak. Suddenly I couldn't hold in my excitement. Everyone in the room started to whisper and gasp out of shock.

''Oh dear, eh thank you so much but why?'' I seemed very moved and it was clear that I was about to explode out of emotions.

''Oh right, the president thought that you are a very honest and strong willed women. That you seem to value your work and the morals of it. He was very impressed of how straight forward you were and how you knew what you wanted. He needs someone to call him out whenever he does something wrong and he thinks you are the right person for that. Plus, he says you are someone very nice to lay eyes on.'' she gave out a smirk at the last sentence. I felt my whole face get red and warm as I heard more and more whispers among the women. This was so unexpected, I thought it was all over and I was prepared to feel the humiliation and disappointment but got the opposite. It made me feel proud that I stood up for myself, and eventually got rewarded for it. When the whole thing finally sunk in I could go back to my reserved self. I straighten myself before speaking.

''Why didn't he email me?''

''Oh you know Putin, he is not into the new technology stuff. He likes it traditional.'' she rolled her eyes at that thought.

''Plus he wanted you to know it through a person and not from a screen. It's more personal that way. Funny how he has never done that to anyone else, not even ME'' she shook here head. I was blushing at that and hid my smile.

''What is your name Miss?'' I asked polite

''Huh it's been a real long time since I was a Miss which I gladly take as a compliment. My name is Anna Ivanova, call me secretary Ivanova'' She winked. I was happy to know her and she seemed like someone I would turn to when needing help.

''Thank you Mrs Ivanova'' I couldn't help to smile.

''Of course. Now you take care of yourself young lady, see you tomorrow'' She pet my shoulder and left.

When the door shut an outbreak of voices started. Everyone was shocked over the things that were said and especially over the fact that I was the one to get the job. That quiet nobody who no one really knew too well until they heard her last name. I felt people petting and pushing me to cheer me but I was still in a shock and barely responded. Not only over the fact that I got the job but over the stuff he had said about me. It was overwhelming and I could not believe it.

I started to wonder if there was more behind that mask Vladimir had been hiding behind.

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