Chapter 7 ~ Rescue Operation

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When Al spread the foam boards across the carpet Woody was closest to the vent and Queen crawled just a little toward the metal bars, seeing him perfectly fitted in the foam and sighed softly

"oh no...Woody" Queen whispered, then she felt vibrations coming near her and saw a familiar sight, hamm slinky rex and..2 buzzes came running towards her regardless she smiled and stood up 

"Queen?" the one without the helmet buzz exclaimed 

"Buzz, you guys! i'm so happy to see you!" she said happily but soon turned sad when she heard Al's voice talking on the phone 

"where's woody?" Slinky asked Queen pointed toward the vent as woody was placed back into the foam and packed him and the others up in the green case, woody was the last one in and Al rolled them out of the room 

"He's getting packed up to go to some place called the airport, with a few others..." she looked panicked "Buzz, which way did you guys come from?" 

"From the elevator shoot, if we hurry we can make it there!"

Queen nodded to him "okay"

"Let's get a move on then!" potato head yelled

so they went to the elevator shoot in time for it to be going down, queen and buzz found a cover that led into the elevator box and there al was, waiting for the elevator to get to the bottom, buzz looked at queen 

"Okay, queen it's like we did last time, you try to get into the green case and if things don't go as planned we will still follow you" 

queen immediately agreed "You got it!"

so slinky held on to queens feet and lowered down close to the vent with buzz keeping slinky still and not letting him fall

once she got closer queen lifted up both of the black levers, woody popped out, he gasped softly and reached for queens hands 

"Quen!" he said in a low happy voice

"I got you.." she whispered as woody tried to pull out with her, pete knocked queen in the cheek with his axe making her lose her grip and bounce back. Woody looked shocked seeing queen rub her head for a brief moment before glaring at pete 


"Ah, shut up!" pete said as he forced him back into the foam, just as al got out of the elevator the case closed up and queen rubbed her head and slinky extended close to the ground and she landed on her hands and flipped on her feet while the others dropped down, potato frisbeed his hat to the closing doors and prevented it from closing and they all ran outside with him behind the last one hopping into his hat 

Right as they arrived close to Al's car he drove away "Dang it!" Queen cursed as Al drove out of the park spot and took a right, she put her hands together looking worried in that direction "Woody..." she whispered, Buzz put a comforting hand on her shoulder as potato head spoke up 

"Pizza anyone?" 

they all looked right again and saw the abandoned pizza planet trunk still on and they ran to it

"Does anybody know how to drive?" Rex asked as he stepped in along with queen and buzz being the last ones 

"guess we'll learn as we go" Queen said climbing onto the dashboard with Rex

buzz gave the others positions and queen and rex were navigating, then he noticed three aliens talking and buzz shook his head

"oh no..." he said

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