~Chapter Two~

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Kiku Honda knew he had seen him. Yes, he was a magical boy too. But... a different kind of magic... soul magic.

After school, he went to his piano lessons like normal. But when they finished-around 4 pm- he went to the Game Center to meat up with his friend-and fellow sailor scout, Feliciano.

The Game Center was the secret HQ for the sailor scouts, hidden under the store itself.

When he arrived, he met up with Feliciano outside the store.

"Ciao, Kiku!" He said.

"Hello, Feliciano," he replied. "I found something that we need to discuss."

Feli's smile faltered. "Alright, let's go."

They got inside. They quickly called the other sailor scouts- Gilbert, Ludwig, and Lovino.

They arrived soon later. Already in the hideout were Italy cat and Neko Prussia.

"Ciao boys!" Sang Italy cat. (He's a magical cat that talks) "What going on?"

"I found something very interesting," Said Kiku. Another magical boy-but not like us."

"Really?" Said Neko Prussia. "Let's do some research, ja italy?"

So the cats used their magical radar computer thing that they have for some reason.

"Ahh, you're right Kiku!" Said Italy cat. "There's traces of soul magic throughout the city... but what's this? It looks like... dark soul magic?"

"It's by the mall!" Said Ludwig. "But there also seems to be soul magic around the area too..."

"Let's just leta them deal with it, yeah?" Said Lovino.

"I suppose.... we should check it out. Just to be safe." Said kiku.


"I suppose it's best if you don't know, Mr Jones."

With that, Arthur's clothing transformed back into the school uniform, and peter's limp body disintegrated.

"You should leave. It isn't safe here." Said Arthur, turning back the way he appeared to have come.

"O-oh, okay...." Alfred muttered, looking around. Which way had he come?

'Let's be rational here and...' he thought. 'Start going any direction.'

So he turned down a hallway, not knowing where he'd end up.

After a few random turns, he was utterly lost.

Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice.


He looked around.

"Alfred, there you are!" Panted Ivan, catching up to him.

"Hey dude! What are you doing?" Said Alfred.

"I was looking for you, but then I got lost, and I assume you are too?"

Alfred nodded somberly.

"Well, now that we are together, we can get out together..." Said Ivan. They started walking.

They soon came to a door .

"Hey, I think this is the door we came through-" Said Alfred, opening the door.

It was definitely not the door they came through.

Instead they found... something.

Whatever it was, it was scary.

It was a small black crystal-like object, glowing a dark red shade. It seemed to be distorting the room around it.

Alfred yelped. "What is that?!"

Just as he and Ivan were about to get away, it suddenly glowed a bright white, surrounding everything. When the light went away, they were in a dark wonderland of terrors.

Plus there was a giant monster, seeming to encase the crystal thing.


"I don't knoooww!!!"

"Don't worry, mon amies," came a voice.

They looked behind them to see another boy, wearing the same school uniform. He looked like he was from one of the older grades.

He tapped his manly gold flower hair clip, and an orange jewel in the center started glowing as he transformed.

Alfred gasped. "You're like... that Arthur guy! You have powers too?"

The older male smiled. "Something like that!" He looked past them and up at the monster. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have something to take care of."

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