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"so what movie do you want to see?" both changbin and felix were now standing in front of the large cinema building.

after much persuasion from jeongin, felix reluctantly agreed to go out with changbin.

"i don't mind you can pick"

"the quite place?"

"wait isn't that scary?" felix's eyes widened.

"nah it's fine come one" changbin said while pulling on felix's arm slightly to get him to follow.

the walk toward the screen seemed to take forever as felix's heart rate increased with each step, he really didn't like scary movies he got scared far to easily. as they entered the room it was surprisingly empty, only a few other people were already seated. they found their seats located near the back and sat down.
there was an awkward tension between the males as neither know what to say. well felix was trying so very hard not to make it obvious that he was literally shitting himself over the thought of watching a scary movie.

changbin hadn't really thought about what they would talk about, the boys hardly know each other and now here they were in a cinema with like three other people in complete silence.

"so what have you been doing lately?" this was honestly the best changbin could come up with in the effort to break to silence.

"oh you know just skating really, i don't really do much else (ha same)"

"we should definitely go back again."

felix's eyes visibly lit up at this comment, "you really want to come back again?"

changbin let out a laugh "of course it wasn't actually that bad and i'm still in one piece so i would call that a win"

"okay well if you come back i will have you doing triple axels by the time you leave"

changbin wasn't to sure about this suggestion as much as he wanted to skate again he didn't really want to end up with a broken leg.

"can you even do them yet?"

"well no but i will find someone who can"

"but i want you to teach me" the older boy almost whined in response.

"okay if that's the case say bye bye to having both arms and leg intact. now shh it's starting"

the opening credits began to play as changbin started eating his popcorn. all the awkwardness has seemingly melted away just by mentioning skating wow jeongin was right this kid really does love to figure skate.

as the film continued changbin began to grow bored, this film wasn't really what he expected and it definitely wasn't scary. he just contained to stuff his face with popcorn trying hard not to let his eyes fall shut. the film just had one of those predictable plot lines that changbin has seen a million times. on the other hand felix wasn't feeling the same way, he was 100% scared, he would jump at every noise fearing when the next big jump scare would take place. changbin's eyes were wondering all round the room trying to find something more interesting and at this point the small strips of lights that lined the floor where more interesting. he just happened too look over at felix and saw the boy with a ghostly look on his face and hands gripping the arms rest so tight his knuckles had been to turn white. it took a lot for changbin not to laugh at him, even if that was mean it was still funny to see how much the movie affects felix compared to him.

in the effect to calm his down changbin slowly reached his own hand out towards felix. he placed his hand on top of felix's which caused him to jump more then he had at any scene so far. now this time changbin couldn't hold back the laugh that slips through his lips at the reaction.

"i'm sorry i was just trying to be comforting" changbin said looking the boy in the eyes. he didn't reply but also didn't move his hands away which in changbin's book was a win.

after a while felix slipped his hand completely into changbin's, their fingers interwoven together like there were meant to be.
they stayed like this throughout the rest of the film and strangely felix felt a lot more at ease after that action. wonder why?

the paired continued to keep their figures locked even when they were walking down the stairs leaving the building. honestly they both didn't notice they were still handing hands. that was until changbin heard a voice that was all too familia.

sorry for any typos and thank you for 1k ❣️

just one day. changlix. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt