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changbin tried to loosen the grip on jenny's arm, instead she tighten her grip.

"leave him" she said laughing softly stroking his cheek.  she started pulling him in the opposite direction leaving felix to limp around the corner.

"come one"

changbin couldn't concentrate for the rest of the morning he couldn't get the image of felix out his mind. he really needed to find him and make sure he was okay, he would never be able to forgive himself if anything bad happened to felix. the remainder of his morning lessons was spent thinking for how to get felix's address. changbin was assuming that felix had gone home because that's what he would do.

"give me his address" changbin said slamming his hands down onto the tablet hyunjin, chan and seungmin were currently sat at.

they give each other a confused look. "what?" hyunjin was the one who spoke up.

"i said give me felix's address"

"and why would you need that, hmm so you can beat up him. i think not" seungmin said joining the conversation. if only you know changbin thought to himself.

changbin was frustrated at the lack of help with felix's so called friend, but then again he didn't really blame them he didn't really have the best reputation at school.

"if he dies it's all if your fault" changbin spat and walked away.

"what if he on about?" hyunjin asked starting to worry about felix's safety. "i'll go talk to him" chan stood and up followed behind changbin.



"we don't actually know his address he's never actually told us" chan said fiddling with his hands. he wasn't going to admit it but he was kinda scared of changbin especially when he was angry.

"i need to make sure he's okay" changbin replied running his hands down his face. yes changbin had been outside of felix house briefly but he couldn't remember where it was.

"what's happened to him?"

"i don't know exactly but i saw him limping out of school this morning and jenny made me walk away from him. i hate to think what he went through, i know how vile she can be. she probably got woojin and jisung in on it too" he sighed. "what am i going to do now?"

"i think i know a way. sneak into the office get his file his address will be in there. i'll help you"

"you'll seriously help me out?" changbin questioned.

"i've never seen you like this so i'm trusting you here but if i find out that everything else had happened to him i'll know exactly who to go too."

the walk down to the office seemed to drag on and on, well for chan at least. he was still unsure if he actually trusted changbin but for some reason he felt like he could. he was going over possible scenarios that could go down, if they were caught chan would definitely be grounded for life. he swallowed thickly at the thought of this.

the door loomed in sight. both boys took a deep breath preparing for what was going to come.

"you go in and i'll keep watch if anyone comes on"

changbin gave a nod and slowly pushed open the door. thankfully it was empty. he swiftly made his way over to the filing cabinet and begin to search through the files trying to locate l. once he found it he quickly snapped a photo of the address. well that was easier then i thought. as he was about to put the file back something caught his attention. in bold red letters the words high attention were writing. curiosity got the best of him as he started reading.

lee felix has been transfer from (random school name sorry i'm not that creative lol) school due to severe bullying. it was in the best interest of felix that he was moved. we ask that all staff pay close attention to him as we do not want a repeat of last time. we understand this may be hard but felix lives alone so there is no parents who can be contacted.

changbin's eyes drifted up the page slightly and saw that in fact there was no contact information in the parent/guardian box.

at our school we tried our best to put a stop to the situation but it was hard to get the full story from felix. thank you and if we can help with felix's case please let us know

changbin didn't how to feel after finding out this information on felix. he felt so bad and sorry for the boy and wished he had never started to pick on felix even if it was for a short amount of time. maybe woojin and jisung would have left him alone too.

"ahhh mr park i actually needed to speak to you" the voice of chan pulled him from his thoughts and he quickly shoved the folder back into the draw.

mr park only hummed in response.

"well my younger brother is coming here next year and i was umm wondering if we could you know arrange a tour"

"yeah sure" mr park seemed uninterested in the conversation.

"great i'll get my mother to contact you"

mr park turned and opened the office door chan just hoped changbin got out in time.

"i didn't know you had a brother" the voice behind startled him. he turned and saw changbin.

"i don't i made it up. so did you get it"

"yeah. ummm thank you for your help and i mean that" chan nodded his head and give a tiny smile.

"well like i said if i find out he's been hurt more i won't hesitate" chan said lightly punching changbin's shoulder.

"don't worry i'll make sure he's okay"

"i'm trusting you seo changbin"

wow this was almost 1000 words go meeeeee also thank you for over 500 readssssss

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