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changbin was just starting to get the hang of spinning more then twice but felix was still pushing him further. the taller boy was gripping tightly to felix's hands as he attempted to spin changbin a few more times. however this didn't end well as there blades got tangled and caused felix to fall pulling changbin down with him. the two couldn't stop laughing at themselves, at how stupid they were to let this happen. changbin was laughing so hard that he was now struggling for breath so buried his face into the felix chest. he could feel the vibration of his chest as he continued to laugh. changbin was so happy in this moment and believed nothing would take that ways from him. nothing.

as the laugher died down changbin pushed himself so each of his hands were on either side of felix's head. he looked down at the boy under him just admiring his freckles for a moment.

"changbin get up the ice is cold" felix whined still tried regain his breath.

changbin suddenly become so aware of the situation and he couldn't get up fast enough.

"maybe we should call it a day" changbin said as he brushed some ice off his knees. felix looked up into his eyes and gave a small smile before nodding his head. lee felix you will be the death of me i sweat was changbin's last thought as they left the ice and got ready to head home.

this time the walk was filled with a bit more talk and changbin had believed he has won felix's forgiveness, and that was all he really wanted. for felix not to hate him anymore. however he know they couldn't become real friends as it was to risky with the people changbin hung around with.

"so am i forgiven" changbin questioned as they arrived at felix's door step.

"hmmm i'll have to think about that one and get back to you" felix replied giggling.

changbin stood with his mouth a jar, after all the effort he want to and this kid couldn't even say he was forgiven.

"i'm messing with you of course i would instantly forgive anymore if they even mention skating to me"

"wow and i went to all that trouble"

"i'll see you around" felix have a small wave and shut the door leaving changbin to start making his way home. he was happy felix had seemed to get over everything that had happened and everything felix had said to him earlier. why does this thought make my heart beat increase changbin thought.

changbin know for a fact that jenny would be at his house because he didn't go out with her. he slowed his pace right down trying to prolong the inevitable. he plugged his headphones in and shuffled his playlist exo tempo started playing. he then pulled out a cigarette and lit it. ever since he has meet felix changbin had been smoking a lot more. lee felix you'll be the death of me. changbin thought again as he rounded the corner and saw jenny sitting on his porch. he took a deep breath and approached her.

as soon as they made eye contact jenny jump up and ran towards changbin. she jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"binnie i missed you so much what happened?" her high voice when straight through his head making him cringe.

"umm well stuff came up sorry"

"that's okay that doesn't matter as long as your here now" she smiled again and pulled him back into a hug.

she continued to smile as they hugged. a notification popped up on her phone.

one new message.

j. one
everything is in place.

just one day. changlix. Where stories live. Discover now