

He's back in town.

Everyday, I expected him to show up at the restaurant so that I could tell him to get lost one last time.

My yelling lacked the punch when I asked him to leave. I hated that I couldn't yell at someone without my voice breaking and shaking. It made me look weak and pathetic. Now that I had time to think, I had better comebacks. I'd say them with cool composure, without crying. Without yelling.

I did accept the fact that there were morons out there who saw everything via their tinted glasses. Blind to the real colors. I changed my hair style and wardrobe to help them and for my safety. But that didn't mean I forgave Sam or his offhand remarks born out of arrogance.

I wanted to hurt him as much as he did.

As if he knew my plans, he didn't visit for a week.

Then one night he showed up at the door when I was cleaning the tables after closing.

He stood next to the door holding it open, without stepping in fully, as if asking for permission to enter.

"We're closed." I said.

He nodded and stepped in closing the door.

I had seen him only in passing through his car window, now I could see that he had gained more bulk. Probably the training.

When my inspection reached his face, my heart beat tripped.

When did his face become so dear to me?

I held my hands together to stop from reaching out and kissing him.

All this time I thought I was just angry at him, but that's not the only feeling. I cared for him. I missed his sorry face.

"Why beard?"

I arched my eyebrows.

He hung his head. "You still look nice."

"Still womanly?"

He shook his head. "When I said you looked like a woman, It was a compliment."

Just like that my anger won over all other emotions.

"Why are you here?" I snapped.

"I don't get it, but I'm sorry I made you upset. I don't want to lose you over this misunderstanding. I want us to have a good relationship."

As always he sounded sincere. But I had learnt my lesson.

"Relationship? What kind? What—"

He put up his hands. "Anything. Whatever is comfortable for you. Just don't shut me out. Please."

I thought for a second and held my head high, I'd never give him a chance to insult me again. "Fine. You're the deputy. I own a shop in your city limits. That's what we would be."

His throat worked as he stared at me.

"Okay." He nodded.

"Good night, deputy." I said when he made no other comment.

"May I walk you home?"

"No. Thanks."

He nodded again. "Good night, Millie."

I waited as he reached for the door.

He stopped before opening it. "I'm... I'm... can you promise me something?"

"Depends..." I shrugged.

"Don't delete my number. Call me if you need."

My eyes pooled remembering that night. "I don't need you." It's true. The past three months I had no help, I did everything on my own and survived. Became a strong person because of it. I even learnt that you don't need two people to hang a picture. Thanks to YouTube.

"As your deputy sheriff, I'm responsible for your safety."

"I'll call 911." I said haughtily.

He sighed. "Please."

It's childish to fight over this. So I gave in. "Fine."

He nodded one last time and left.

When I locked up I remembered that I didn't deliver any of my punch filled comebacks.

When he asked why beard, I should have said to help the blind.

Next time. Sam would see the new side of me, the independent, snappy Millie who had no time for bastards like him.

**** End of Chapter Five ****

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