How They Stand Up For You

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-Confronts the person
-Demands an apology
-Comforts you
-"Tell me if they bother you again, I'll make sure they leave you alone."

-Tries to keep calm, but fails
-Raises his voice
-"Come on, Y/N, they're not worth our time nor effort."

-Keeps his cool
-Tries to fully discern the situation
-Tells a teacher
-"Let's hope they leave you alone haha. If they don't, then we'll plan a murder together."

-Immediately notifies a teacher
-Also tells your father, one of the teachers
-The person who bothered you got detention
-"That's what you get for bothering my Y/N."

-Discourages confrontation
-Accompanies you to tell Keating
-Convinces you to not get revenge on the person
-"Let's be the bigger person, ok?"

-Gets really angry
-Direct confrontation
-May or may not have gotten in a small fight
-"It wasn't my fault Mr. Nolan. They were bothering Y/N."

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