Did Your Parents Approve?

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Neil: Your parents were reluctant at first because he went to a prestigious school and didn't want it to impact you negatively. After meeting Neil, they noticed how much of a gentleman he was and approved completely.

Charlie: Charlie's first impression with your parents wasn't a very good one: they caught you two together in your dorm. Ever since then, they've tried to advise you to stay away from him.

Knox: Your parents absolutely love having him around. Knox was the first to insist on meeting your parents and arranged a dinner. Your parents loved how charming he was and even teased you about when the wedding will be.

Meeks: You were dying to introduce Meeks to your parents, but he was terrified. He was scared of what your parents would think of him, especially since your father was a teacher at Welton. Much to his surprise, your father approved of him. "He's one of the best," he said to you when you told him you were seeing each other.

Todd: His parents don't really know about you dating yet. Todd is really nervous of their reaction. You really want to tell them, but Todd always tells you to give it time.

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