Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

     I slowly lift my heavy eyelids, squinting in the intense sunlight. I feel blankets under me and I hear murmuring. I'm in my own house, with only the town nurse and some man. My whole body aches; it's bruised and cut up from my feud with the dragon. Dragon . . . This had to be a dream. Am I going insane? "Your name's Kara, right?" I turn my head to the right and see a man in jagged armour with a sword at his side. "It depends, who sent you," I croak. A smile played on his lips, "No one, in fact. I happened to be passing by on my horse when I heard this terrible wailing, turns out we've got a return of the dragons revolution. I saw what you did back there. I didn't think you would live to see daylight again. . . " A lone man in armour like this, seems unlikely. Armour is expensive, and expensive armour is obtained by being in a guild or some form of an army. "Well yes, my name is Kara. Do you have a name or are you so alone that your parents ceased to name you?" He winced, as a flash of sadness flickered in his blue green eyes, "Name's John." 

     It was very quiet for what seemed like a very long time untill he looked at me again and said, "I was wondering around and saw your capaill uisce in her pen . . how'd you manage to catch her?" A capaill uisce is a creature from ocean, a horse that stands at least 7 feet tall, that eats flesh rather than things that grow from the ground. A ferocious and almost impossible to tame animal that can never stand still, always longs for the ocean, and faster than wind itself, will tear you apart and make a meal of you in under a minute. The name capaill uisce makes me flinch, as I've never been too fond of it due to the fact that I have grown very close to Pepper, and think of her more as a horse than a monster. "Well just yesterday I killed a dragon . . . I'll let your imagination draw conclusions." He shrugged, "Well in any case, she's got a beautiful coat." Pepper's coat is dappled grey with white specks, hence why I named her Pepper. "Well thanks I guess. What's a capaill uisce to you?" His eyes lit up as he said, "I own one myself."

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