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Kai's POV

We had been worried for days about where Jay had gone. We didn't know whether he was kidnapped or not until we finally found our evidence. And then after hours of searching, a random guy, who I somehow recognise, just showed up at the door with him.

We have been so worried and he didn't have the decency to tell us he was running away. We were looking for so long. We gave up two days of our week to look for our beloved teammate. We could have been doing something so much more important. We could have been training or fighting crime but instead we were looking for Jay. How selfish can he be?!

As soon as he unpacked all his stuff, Lloyd sent him for a nap. Jay looked tired and bruised. Something must have happened but I'm sure he'll tell us all about it when he wakes up. That's all he's doing. He's attention seeking and I hate attention seekers.

Nya breathed a sigh of relief as she sat beside me on the sofa.

"I'm so happy we found him." She smiled at me. I put a fake smile on my face and nodded.

I can't believe these guys are actually buying this. It's ridiculous!

"It was Cliff Gordon who found him." Lloyd corrected her.

"Cliff Gordon? As in the famous movie star?" I frowned.

Lloyd nodded. Nya gasped.

"But how could he have found Jay? Nobody has heard from him in years, not to mention he hasn't left his house." Cole wondered.

"Well that's his manager's fault. He doesn't want Cliff out of the house because of incidents with fans." Lloyd explained.

"What kind of incidents?" I asked.

"Let's not talk about that. How about we talk about something more exciting, like the fact that Jay is safe and home now?" Zane suggested.

"Either way, I am so thankful that he was found. I would never have forgiven myself if he didn't come home." Nya smiled.

"We all feel the same, don't we Kai?" Lloyd raised an eyebrow at me.

Shoot! He probably noticed my 'I really don't care' facial expression. I'm not very good at hiding that face... Oh well. I'm entitled to my own opinion, right?

I nodded.

"H-hey guys..." A voice spoke. It sounded kind of familiar.

We all turned our heads to see the lightning ninja stood in the doorway.

"Hey, Jay, come in and sit down." Lloyd gave him a smile of reassurance.

Jay looked a little unsure. Wow, he's a great actor. Maybe that Cliff guy taught him something when Jay went to him just to get attention.

He walked in slowly and sat down on the other end of the sofa. He sat with his back to the cushions, his knees up to his chest.

Lloyd looked at me in which I replied with a shrug of my shoulders.

Nya moved so she was sat beside him instead. She looked into his eyes and smiled sweetly.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

Jay thought for a minute before nodding.

"If you don't mind us asking, why did you run away?" Zane spoke up.

Seriously?! I thought Zane was smarter than that! Am I the only one who can tell that he's messing with us?!

Jay fell silent, not that he spoke before anyway. He broke eye contact with everyone and went to staring at his hands that were wrapped around his legs.

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