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???s POV

"Jay?!" I exclaimed as I looked down at the boy.

Without even taking a quick glimpse of me he pointed at the alley.

"The figure! The figure! It's following me! He's trying to kill me!" He shouted.

"Woah, woah, woah! What figure?" I frowned as I peered down the pitch black alleyway.

"That one! The one that is... there?" Jay paused.

"There's no one there, Jay. I think you're hallucinating." I told him.

I'm so glad I found him. Why was he down a dark alley? Did Ed and Edna ever teach him to never go down dark alleys?

Jay looked up at me, his eyes wide.

"C-Cliff Gordon?!" He exclaimed.

Oh no! He recognised me! No, no, no! This is bad! He isn't supposed to know that it's me! He'll tell the news and then my agent will know that I left the house! He'll kill me! Wait... how does Jay know me?! I mean, I'm a movie star, right? He probably knows me as the famous guy. Maybe?

"What happened to your cheek?!" I questioned. It was a mixture of purple, blue and brown. It looked like someone had beaten him up.

"Oh... just three thugs tried to beat me up." Jay smiled innocently.

"Was that who was following you?" I wondered.

"No. The figure was following me! And he was really fast at walking!" He shouted.

"Okay, okay, calm down." I told him.

Jay frowned, "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I saw on the news that you had run away so I decided to come look for you." I explained.

"One, everybody knows I ran away?! And Two, why would you come to look for me?" He asked.

"Because I saw that your friends and Ed and Edna-- I mean your parents were worried. Plus, I couldn't stand the thought of my favourite ninja being missing." I smiled.

"I'm your favourite ninja?" He smiled back.

I nodded.

"Enough chit-chat. Let's get you home." I told him.

"I'm not going home." Jay stated.

I frowned. But I just found him! And he seems pretty scared too. I think the best thing for him right now is to come home where he is safe. He looks like he's just seem a ghost, or worse, a zombie.

"What do you mean? I only just found you!" I exclaimed.

"I ran away for a reason. I had to get away from them." Jay told me.

"Away from who?" I questioned.

"The rest of the team. Didn't they put that on the news as well?" He raised an eyebrow.

What is he talking about? The team? Did they do something?

"What did the team do?" I asked.

"They shouted at me because I made a small mistake during a mission. We only had to stop a robbery and being clumsy me I accidentally tripped everyone up, letting the criminal get away. When we got back, they started blaming me and yelling at me even though I had said sorry like a million times." He explained.

From what I've heard, the team has always been quite close, like a family maybe? Although, the most of Ninjago doesn't even know what happens between them. We only hear little snippets of stuff, causing the fans to jump to conclusions, which is rather annoying. I could never believe that the team would stoop that low.

"I'm sure they feel bad now. Let me take you home and you can work everything out when you get back, okay?" I suggested, "They seem really worried about you, Jay. They haven't stopped looking."

Jay sighed, "I just want to get out of here. I can't deal with it anymore."

I placed my hand on his shoulder for support, "Look, I know it's hard but you'll get through it. You are the most happiest, most positive, most supportive person I know. I'm sure whatever it is, they'll help you get through it just like how you have always been there for them. Just come home, okay? Don't you want to be with Nya again?"

He thought for a second and then nodded.

"Then let's get you home." I put my arm around him as we walked down the street.

As we approached the door, I turned to Jay.

"You okay?" I asked him.

"I don't know." He looked up at me. He looked worried.

"It'll be fine." I gave him a smile of reassurance, "They'll be happy to see you."

I looked back at the door and knocked almost instantly. Hopefully they are in.

I heard a few voices from inside before the door finally opened. It was Nya.

"JAY!" She exclaimed, pulling him into a tight hug. I couldn't help but smile. I knew she missed him.

"Jay?" The rest of the team came up to the door and joined to make a large group hug.

Their Sensei spotted him and then looked at me.

"Cliff?" He frowned.

"Hi, Wu. Long time no see." I smiled.

"Where did you find him?" He wondered.

"Down a dark alley between the arcade and comic book store. He looked pretty shaken up. He said someone was following him and that three thugs had beaten him up." I explained.

"Thank you for bringing him home safely but what were you doing down a dark alleyway?" He narrowed his eyes at me, suspecting that I was doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing. Woah, chill out dude.

"I may or may not have seen the story about Jay missing on the news and came to look for him." I replied.

"Thank you." He repeated.

"No problem. Just keep a close eye on him. He was determined to get out of here. I think something might be up." I told Wu.

He nodded.

"Thank you for taking care of my son." I whispered.

"No problem."

I took one last glimpse of by child. All of his friends were hugging him and some were even crying *cough* *cough* Cole and Nya *cough* *cough*.

I'm glad I found him. I may not be a ninja, but maybe I should have been. I know that Libber enjoyed it very much, I just wish I knew where she was. If she was still here, I might have been able to raise Jay as my own instead of giving him to Ed and Edna. Maybe I'll pay them a visit some time soon.

I then turned around and sighed. I knew the day would come when I would finally meet him again, I just wished that we got to talk properly. I don't he knows that I'm his birth father... I don't mind though. I'm just happy that he's home and safe, all thanks to me. Hopefully he can settle back down. I will always be there for him even if he doesn't know it.

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