I was interrupted from the daze I was in by some-one clearing their throat.

"You must be Miss Moore, I am Mr Callahan, when you have finished gaping at me maybe you would like to get the interview started" I heard a deep voice say.

Looking up I realised that voice came from the man standing in front of me. I could feel my face heating up, oh great just great now I make a fool out of myself in front of my potential new boss.

"Yes sir sorry, let's get on with the interview, I am Miss Moore it's a pleasure to meet you" I say holding my hand out for him to shake.

He takes my hand and replies "pleasures all mine Miss Moore, please enter and take a seat".

As I enter his office I am in awe, it's amazing, it's massive, one wall made entirely of glass, a large oak desk in front of it with a black leather chair, there are another two chairs on the opposite side of the desk facing the glass wall, a large book shelf takes up another wall, and another is filled with filling cabinets, as I look around I notice another room with appears to be a bathroom and another door that looks like another much smaller office.

"Please take a seat Miss Moore" Mr Callahan states as he sits in his office chair with his back to the glass wall.

"Thank you sir, and please call me Caitlin or Cait"

"Ok Cait, let's start, how old are you?"

"I am 21 sir"

"Please Cait call me Xavier, sir or Mr Callahan makes me feel old and im only 26" he tells me with a bright smile.

I smile back at him and reply, "Yes Xavier".

"So Cait I understand you are fresh out of university with a business degree am I correct? If so what made you want to get into the business field?"

"That's correct, I wanted to study business because of my father, he owns his own company and is a very successful man".

"If your father is such a big business man then why have you applied to become my personal secretary?" he asked me with a confused look on his face.

"I want to be my own person, I don't want hand outs, I want to start in the same position as any normal person would, I believe in making my own career and not relying on others to achieve my goals".

"Good answer Cait, I respect that you don't want life handed to you on a silver platter".

"Thank you, it would be an honour to work for and beside you, I am hard working and do my best to meet deadlines on time, I will be there for your every beg and call". I really hope I'm making a good impression, it's an amazing opportunity to work with the great Mr Callahan.

"Well Miss Moore, I'm impressed" he looks at his watch then back at me, "How about we finish this meeting over lunch?"

Looking up at the clock on the wall I notice I have been talking to Xavier for a little over an hour and lunch time is approaching.

"Oh no sir I couldn't do that"

"Sure you can it's still part of your interview and I'm hungry, you do want this position do you not Cait? And I have told you, please call me Xavier".

"Ok Xavier, sure as I'm still taking part in my interview, and of course I want this position it's an amazing opportunity" I reply smiling widely.

"Ok then let's go" Xavier says standing up from his chair and making his way to the door, I follow his lead standing up smoothing my skirt.

As I make my way to the door I can't help but look at the back of the man walking in front of me, watching the way his muscles move under his suit jacket, he moves with such elegance and grace, he's a beautiful specimen of a man. I shouldn't be thinking about my potential boss this way, I need to get his beauty out of head and be professional, I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I notice Xavier holding the door open for me to exit his office, I walk out with him close behind and make my way to the bank of elevators.

Mr Callahan #wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now