Chapter 2: Skin

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     The skin is the largest organ in our body. With out it, we would look horrible. I mean, can you imagine yourself without a skin? So we should keep in mind that we should take care of it.

Skinny Tips ;) :

- Drink A LOT of water. It hydrates your skin and makes it look prettier. ;)

- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. They are glow foods. They're healthy and helps makes your skin glow.

- Try to avoid exposing yourself to the sun as much as possible between 8am-4pm. During that time the sun's rays is already damaging. Too much sun exosure damages the skin and accelerates skin aging.

-Always wear lotion to moisturize the skin.

-Try to exfoliate your skin once a week to remove dead skin cells.

-take a bath every day.

-When your skin is itching, don't scratch it. EVER. No matter how tempting it is. Try tapping it to ease the itchiness or apply alcohol or just watch it with soap.

-Don't drink, smoke or do drugs. It has harmful and ugly effects on the skin.


- Take some vitamins that improves the skin.

-When going to the beach or any activity that puts you under the sun for long oeriods of time, always apply sun block to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Aply it again every couple of hours

I hope this helped you with everything you needed.

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'Be your own kind of beautiful.'



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