I was running and like all the stupid people in the movie I turned around enough to see if they were close enough or not. Unlike movies I didn’t fell on the ground but I collided with a wall. “Ooouch” I screamed rubbing my nose and almost balanced myself before I could fall on the ground. My wall moved and cussed out colorfully “f**k!” I looked closely to see the wall turned and the other side of the wall looked like someone’s chest moving up and down. I shook my head thinking I was imagining stuff and when I looked again I saw it was really a chest of a man and not a wall. I looked up to see the face of the person who was now glaring at me. If looks could kill I would have been dead. I held my breath seeing in those piercing dark eyes. There was something about those eyes that was screaming danger yet safety at the same time “I… I am so…rry I was being chased and did…n’t see you” I stuttered and gulped with difficulty when his eyes left mine to look behind me.

His eyes again travelled to my eyes then all the way roamed from my head to toe. Suddenly I felt totally exposed under his dark gaze. His eyes met mine again and then his lips moved forcing me to look at them. “Whatever” one word and with that he turned around and walked away leaving me their alone. I turned around to see those thugs again and I quickly ran towards that stranger guy who I collided with. I stopped him by holding his hand and pulling him so that he would stop. He turned around with a huff and I was again forced to look up. Damn! His chin was leveled at the top of my head. Why people have to be tall, muscular and hot? I faced palmed mentally at my stupid question and glared at him. “Are you insane? You are leaving a lonely girl with thugs. What happened to humanity? What’s the use of all those muscles if can’t get them to use for good? Hah?” I said with stern voice. He looked at me dumbfounded and then all of a sudden he was laughing out loud. It wasn’t a normal holding stomach and rofling laugh. It was devilish and mocking laugh. I gulped again and he looked at the thugs and then at me and he asked me “who needs saving again? These thugs from you?” I was stunned by his words and thus I concluded that he was HIGH, literally on some weird and dangerous drugs.

Without waiting for my reply he left again and this time he disappeared before I could stop him. I turned to look at those thugs who looked quite ready to kill or… well let’s not imagine all the bad stuff they could do to me. We started at each other for a long time. RING RING the sound of mobile ringing in the silence made me shriek in terror. The scary guy took the phone out and answered it. After listening to the caller, he audibly gulped and said just one word “okay.” What’s up with people, gulping and one words? I huffed and before I could register what’s happening the scary guy nodded the others and they all turned around and left. And me? Well I just stood there still trying to understand what just happened.

||~Unknown POV~||

I paid the shopkeeper again ignoring his confused looks on why I was buying the medicines again. How was I supposed to explain him the incident I encountered some time ago? The vibration of my cell brought me out of my thought. I scooped my phone out from the pocket of my jeans and answered without seeing the caller id. “The work is done, man. No need to get all angry” his so called ‘cool’ voice was shaky telling me exactly how afraid he was of me. I smirked at the thought and replied “dude I hate to start fights. But I love to end them and that too my way. Next time make sure your pets aren’t in my area. Or else… you are smart enough to know what the consequences will be” I trailed off with the circumstances letting him guess all the possibilities himself. “Of… of course man” I heard him saying and before he could say anything else I pressed the end call button. I hate weak people and people with weakness. I have made sure I don’t have any weaknesses anymore. As now I can’t afford to lose. This time the fight well be played on my terms and I will end it my way. With that thought I walked towards my secret place with medicines bag still in my hand.

||~Ella’s POV~||

The voice of chirping birds woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my surrounding. The place which was dead at night was now fully crowded and loud. I slept on the bench whole night in front of the street market. The people walking pass me was eyeing me suspiciously. I straightened myself and got my stuff closer to me and left the place without another glance around my surrounding. After having a light breakfast from a café I started my search again. I showed people Ev’s pick everyone’s answer was no but there was something weird about some people’s answer. It was like as if they knew something but was lying to me. They would gulp, look at the picture with wide eyes, or look around scared as if afraid of being caught near the picture and would leave as soon as they can. I shook my suspicious thoughts and continued asking people around me.

I went still when I saw him casually leaning by a car sipping from his Starbucks cup. Last night it was dark to see carefully but now in day light I was able to see him better. He was wearing all black from his boots to ribbon glasses. His hairs were messy yet classy. It gave the look of bed hair. His muscles were bulging out of his tight black button up shirt. The sleeves were rolled up revealing a huge tattoo with writing in the center on his one arm. His hard chest was visible as some buttons were undone. In short everything of him was screaming one word, DANGER. Yet it was hard to look away from him because he was simply breath taking. I mean when goons and thugs started looking that HOT.

If I was some hormonal teenager girl who was here for outing I would have been drooling over him all the time. But remembering my mission I composed myself quickly. I need to find Ev at any cost and nothing else FULL STOP. I sucked a deep breath and walked towards him. I cleared my throat to gain his attention. He took off his glass as soon as he saw me and something in his eyes flickered but before I could see what it was, it was already gone. His dark gaze was back. He looked me up and down again like last night making me uncomfortable. I shifted from feet to feet and finally managed to say after few long seconds passed “umm… I am looking for him. Have you seen this person around here?” I pushed Ev’s picture in front of his face as he looked way too bored to even listening to me. As soon as his eyes fell on the picture he went stiff.

Something ignited in his eyes. It was hard to tell but there was something about the picture which changed the way his dark eyes looked. They had become even more dark with anger and hatred. Yup it was anger and pure hatred. He was shaking with anger when he faced me. “I don’t know who he is. Why are you looking for him? And who are you?” his words were strained filled with uncountable emotions. I gulped “brother… sister.” He looked at me one last time after my failed attempt of speech and left. He fudging left just like that. All me fear went out the window replacing it with anger. I huffed at that stupid man and… “RYAN” someone’s loud voice broke me out of my trance. I looked around to see two guys running followed by 7-8 people.

I took few steps backwards and hid behind a car. Come on! Even a blind person could tell that these two guys were running for their lives LITERALLY! And for evidence you can see the other 7-8 people were not empty handed. Some had pocket knives, chains, big knives and stuff that I don’t know the names of. One of the two guys screamed again “ROCKY” followed by the second one “RYAN”. Huffing and puffing they stopped a few feet away from me in front of a guy. I couldn’t see the guy because those two were blocking my way. When one bended holding his knees to catch his breath I saw someone I didn’t expected to see. It was the guy with dark eyes with the habit of turning around and leaving without a word. I huff at him. If he looked scary when he saw Ev’s picture, then now he looked like a NIGHTMARE. He nodded to those two guys and they moved out of his way. That causes him to come face to face with those goons with weapons. He cracked his knuckles and looked straight in their eyes and smirked. Gosh! That smirk was not just a smirk it was a promise. It was a promise to kill them with no mercy.

*Chapter 1 Ends*

||~Author’s Note~||

Rocky and Ryan is same person. Ryan is his real name and Rocky is his underworld name.

The unknown person will be revealed later when story progress so let’s just keep him in mind as “UNKNOWN” for now.

I hope your liked Ryan’s official entry at the end.

Will update as soon as I can so please be patient. Also, pass on the word of this FF to your friends and readers. I really need your support in this. I am getting very less response please help guys. :(


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