Chapter 6: Natasha

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We didn't know what to do after the girl disappeared from the alleyway. I knew she had teleporting capabilities but I wasn't expecting her to use them when we were chasing her.

Not being able to do anything else, we headed back to the Avengers Towers to think about what to do next. I decided I was going to ask Thor about the girl he was talking about earlier.

"Thor," I say once we were settled in the main living space of the Avengers Tower. "Who were you talking about earlier? Who did you think the siren was?"

He grimaced. "I was thinking she was my daughter." Silence follows that statement since no one knew Thor actually had a child.

"You have a daughter?" Tony asks raising his eyebrow, "Why haven't we met her?"

"I've never actually met her because of the life she led." Thor explained, "Today was the first time I saw her personally but I have seen pictures of her."

"So, your daughter is the Siren?" Steve asks looking for confirmation.

"Yeah," Thor agreed, " Her birth mother was a siren who I along with every Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse gods and goddesses blessed which made her give birth to a child who was all of ours. Atlantia should be the one to tell her life story but I will tell you that she has seen to much death because of the wars she has been." Thor replied with a guilty look.

"Wait. Wars, plural?" Steve said surprised.

"Yes, but she should be the one to tell the story since I do not know all of what happened." Thor repeated.

"Do you know where we can found her?" Clint asks.

"She may have gone to her family's graves." Thor said after a moment, "I'm told she spends a lot of time there especially when she needs to talk to her family."

"So, let's go see if she is willing to chat." Tony says pushing himself off the couch.

"I think we should prepare for a fight." Steve adds, "From previous experiences, I don't think she will be going with us that easily."


I awoke slowly groggy from the tranq the Siren threw in my neck. I was surprised at how well she could fight but I guess I should have been more aware to that since she did destroy those humongous dogs at the school earlier. I noticed that the ice that had incapacitated me was gone so I figured before she left she must have melted my ice cage. Everyone else began to awake. Thor had a nasty bump on his head, Clint had some cuts and bruises from his fall from the tree, Steve also had some sort of head injury judging from his rubbing of his head, and Tony also had a few bruises. The only one who looked ok was Bruce since it looked like all that happened was that he got hit with tranquilizer.

Once we were all awake and able to move we made our way back to the tower and to my displeasure Fury was there. And he didn't look happy.

"You are telling me that the Avengers got beat by a thirteen year old girl?" Fury seethed.

"Can you keep your voice down?" Steve asked with an ice pack on his head. I guess the Siren threw his shield a little too hard.

"She is Thor's daughter and the daughter of a lot of gods and goddesses, apparently." Tony said, "How are we supposed to beat someone with the powers of many gods and goddesses?"

Fury looked at Tony confused, "What do you mean she's Thor's daughter?"

"Her name is Atlantia Brooks." Thor grunted out as he leaned forward, "She is my daughter and the daughter of all the Greek, Roman, Norse, and Egyptian gods and goddesses. Atlantia was born because we all blessed her mother who was a siren so she is quite powerful since she also has her siren abilities."

"Do you think you could talk to her? Convince her to join the Avengers?" Fury demanded.

Thor shakes his head, "Already tried. When the rest of my teammates were unconscious, I tried to talk to her but she wanted to be left alone and not join another battle."

"She probably will be dragged into another battle no matter what since Hydra may even try to recruit her." I added.

"We can't let that happen so Thor you are going to have to try to convince her." Steve said looking at Thor. Thor nods as Fury frowns at something on his tablet.

"We have a file on Atlantia Brooks." He says. Fury clicks a few button and a photo of a much younger version of the girl we saw earlier today appears. The photo had to be when she was like six or seven. "Apparently she is a troublemaker. She is responsible for multiple incidents in which she is seen fighting with a long staff or baseball bat. Atlantia also has disappeared for a period of six months in which she comes back and destroys an old Pavilion with a bunch of teenagers."

"That is the Mist at work." Thor says.

"What?" Fury says turning away from the screen.

"The Mist is this invisible force that prevents mortals like yourself from seeing the demigod world. She is actually holding a double-edged spear and a sword in the photos you showed." Thor explained. "Monsters are also showed as animals we know like dogs, cats, and bears."

"Why were we able to see those big dogs and her double-edged spear today?" I ask.

"I heard that the Mist was slowly fading because the Greek and Roman gods and goddesses don't have much power any more because of Atlantia. How or why, I don't know." Thor said.

"Going back to the topic at hand," Steve said, "How are we going to find her now?"

"I know where her home is." Thor says, "She will eventually return there so we can start there."

"The what are you waiting for?" Fury said. "Bring back Atlantia Brooks either as a criminal or a member of the Avengers."

The Daughter of the Gods Book 1: A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now