Ch. 1- "The Library"

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A/N: Hi guys! You can also find this fanfic on my tumblr blog korra-ships-kainora.

Chapter One: The Library

Jinora tapped her pencil against her face, a habit she'd acquired a couple weeks into freshman year. She wasn't even writing anything; instead she was reading a chapter from her physics book. The steady beat helped her concentrate.

She squinted at her textbook, as if blurring her vision would somehow make it easier to read. It was times like this when she regretted taking AP physics.

Jinora glanced at the clock.


They were late.

Perhaps they weren't coming. Jinora smiled at the thought, though she knew she was probably getting her hopes up.


The library door flew open. Jinora's smile faded as they filed in through the door. One by one the boys entered the peaceful library. She removed her pencil from her face and the rhythm transferred to her foot as her leg began bouncing vigorously against the chair.

Every day at noon a group of obnoxious boys came into the library, dragging their scratched up skateboards behind them. So everyday around noon was usually the time Jinora would abandon hope of finishing her homework. The once quiet library was quickly filled with laughter, non-stop deep-voiced chatter, and the constant presence of the word "dude."

Jinora wasn't a hateful person, but these guys irritated her. They only come in here because at this point in the lunch period, they've already terrorized the rest of the school. So why not just terrorize it all?

Even from across the room she could tell the smelt bad. They were all ragged looking. With their baggy yet tight pants and oversized t shirts. None of them were attractive.

Except for him.

Jinora didn't know his name. But she knew a bit about him. He was new to the school, yet he's already got the skater gang following him around. And she knew that he was the only decent looking boy in that group.

He had tan skin and dark hair that was cut in the most unusual way, the bottom half of his head was completely shaved. It was odd, yet she found it endearing. And his bright green eyes contradicted the deep color of his skin. But his smile made her shiver, it was as big and full of life as a smile can be.

Jinora shook her head and silently laughed at herself. Her parents would probably ground her for even looking at a boy like him.

She put in her headphones and Beethoven began ringing through her ears. Jinora prayed that the classical music would help her concentrate, though it hardly ever did. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Kai propped his skateboard up against the table and swiftly took a seat, propping his feet up on the desk.

"Well aren't you just the king of the world," Skoochy took a stab at Kai's ego. Kai placed his hands behind his head and balanced his chair on its back legs.

"As a matter of fact, I am," Kai's expression was smug. The others laughed.

"Yeah some king of the world," Murry chuckled. He walked behind Kai and kicked the leg of his chair. Kai's head smacked down as the chair collided with the floor. Everyone burst out laughing.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny," He rolled off the chair and looked around the library, making sure nobody cool just saw him receive a minor concussion. He scoped the library and luckily for him, it was just nerds and the loner chick.

The Library (A Kainora/ Legend of Korra fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now