The job of a father

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CCG raid on the 11th ward

Walking through the halls of the base for the ghoul group, Aogiri Tree, Jaune, now known as Noro, let his mind wander off. To think, its been 24 years since he arrived in this new world. Though if he were honest, there were some things he did regret when being here, but finding and taking care of Eto has not been, nor ever will, one of them.

Eto, the name of the girl who made his already depressed life all the more better. They may not be related by blood, but he damn well made sure to care for her like a father would. As he watched her grow over the years, only more fatherly pride swelled in his chest. And it only increased with her successful book career. He read some of her books, mainly The Black Goats Egg, and while he was disturbed at first by the content (something he put through to her, as she wanted honest opinions), he soon began to actually enjoy the stories.

There were parts when taking care of Eto that he did in fact wish he could take back, 'Her rampage when gaining a kakuja one of them.' he thought in remembrance. Just thinking on it helped think on more surprises he came across. About 2 weeks after taking Eto with him, Jaune found out that his new appendage wasn't his semblance (to his dismay), but rather a kagune. Jaune wasn't interested in many things, but the kagunes just so happened to catch his interest. 

After some learning, he found that they can come in four different types; Ukaku, Koukaku, Rinkaku and Bikaku. Ukakus typically take the form of blazing wings that can harden into crystal and shoot said crystals; Koukakus can turn into both shields and things like swords and axes; Rinkaku is fairly easy to understand, taking the form of scaly tentacles (to his befuddlement at first); and lastly is the Bikaku, another fairly easy to understand one, taking the form of a tail. Jaune himself found out he has a Bikaku and Eto has a Ukaku.

Coming back to the present, Jaune received a message. *Get Ayato. Getting his ass handed to him - Eto* it read. Truthfully, Jaune didn't like Ayato all that much, though he did have his uses; the boy abandoned his sister in favour of revenge for his father's 'abandonment' on them.

'If only he found out the truth.' he thought, having found out the father of two was killed by doves instead. Jaune's role in Aogiri tended to go towards information/intelligence gathering, something he was rather good at. All thanks to his semblance Silent Step, the ability to move around without making the slightest noise, wonderful for picking off targets one by one.

Thinking on where the emo boy would most likely be, Jaune started to make his way to one of the nearby rooftops, having known he likes to be in high places, mainly water towers and telephone poles. He would've proceeded on his way, if not for encountering three new individuals. They were all wearing the garb of Aogiri members, but he knew they weren't.

The first was a middle-aged white haired man with grey eyes, his most prevalent emotion on his face being that of a cautious but stoic look; his kagune smelling like Ukaku. 'Thank god that I can smell the differences.' Jaune thought. The second is a purple haired man, giving the air of a sophisticated life; his kagune smelling like a Koukaku. The third has his face hidden behind a Plague Doctor's mask, with his kagune being that of a Rinkaku. Looking at three newcomers, Jaune began thinking.

'They are not part of Aogiri, otherwise I would've noticed them already. So they wouldn't be here without a reason, though perhaps that boy came he-' his thoughts were cut off as, while he was within a daze, they attacked with their respective kagunes, severing his head and severely injuring his body. Their mild celebration was cut short as, shockingly, RC tendrils sprouted from the neck and attaching to Jaune's head, snapping it back into place.

Walking past them, Jaune heard how they shouldn't worry about him and move along. 'Idiots. You'd be dead before you had the chance.' he thought with fact. After a few more minutes, he finally arrived at the rooftop where Ayato was supposed to be, and true to Eto's word, was getting demolished. It was obvious he was winning at first, looking over he can see a blonde and a blue haired girl in bad shape. 'Yeah, if bad shape consists of being impaled and badly mutilated, sure.' he thought with sarcasm. He may be 41 years old, with his views of the world dulled, but he can still be sarcastic.

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