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~Satin's pov~

Chenille threw the blueprints on the floor next to Satin, who was stitching buttons on a new outfit. "What?"

"This is for the monthly meeting this week. Poppy is going to finally introduce..." Chenille paused, waiting for Satin to get the hint.

Satin sprung around, a huge smile on her face.

"THE BALL ROOM!" the twins excitingly shouted at the same time. "Lemmeseelemmeseeit!" Satin turned the paper to face her, scanning at it in awe. "I can't believe it! Poppy is actually going through with this!"

"I know right! Poppy even got like an entire group of trolls who are going to help build it! And guess, I heard the new Troll, Moon, is going to host it!" Chenille said.

"Moon? I like her and all, but isn't she sorta... new?"

"Girl what do you mean?"

"I mean Moon doesn't really understand us. When we started singing she didn't understand what we were doing and took it as a threat. She's from another village and-"

"Oh relax Satin, what's the worst that could happen?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe she messes the entire party up and everyone hates her and she's going to have to go back to her old home?"

"...I hate you," Chenille crossed her arms over her chest. "You're right. But it's too late now we can't just rip Moon out of her place."

"I know, I know," Satin thought for a moment. "Why don't we just tell her nicely? We aren't trying to be nasty we just think it will be best if maybe someone that has lived her most of their lives takes over?"

Chenille shrugged. "I'm not the one whose going to talk to her. I heard she takes morning walks in the east trail every morning. If we hurry we might catch her."

Satin agreed and stood up so Chenille could exit their house. For a moment as Satin stared at the back of Chenille's head, she wondered what it would be like if they were separated. The thought left as quick as she thought it. A few seconds later she forgot all about it. Chenille talking about the ball room distracted her.

"I really hope we get enough votes on the ball room tonight. I totally think we will. Why wouldn't any troll not want a huge room where you can dance and have fun?" Chenille went on and on. "And it will be good for DJ to get her songs out there!"

Satin smiled. Feeling unusual. Was it that they were going to hurt Moon's feelings or the dark trail? Satin had no idea. Before Satin realized it, she was pushed to the ground. Her head slammed on the hard ground, making her ears ring. She forced herself up, looking around about to insult whoever pushed her, but nobody was there expect her and chenille lying on the ground.

"S-Satin?" Chenille lifted her head up, blood spilled down the side of her head.

"Chenille!" Satin crawled to her. "Are you okay? Are you alright Chenille?"

"I'm fine... who did that? Who pushed me?" Chenille rubbed her head.

"I don't know. They pushed me too. Come on, forget about Moon we need to leave," Satin helped her sister up. At the corner of Satin's eye she saw Chenille's hair rub against her shoulder. If Satin's head wasn't spinning she would have realized sooner. Satin rubbed her fingers along Chenille's hair until she reached the end. "Chenille... your hair..." Satin looked at her in panic.

"What... about my hair?" Chenille reached for her head but Satin pulled her along. "Never mind. We need to get you help. How do you feel? Are you dizzy?"

Poppy's Star (Trolls x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ