36: Happy again...

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Brad wrapped his arms around me as I lay my head into his chest for the first time in months...

"I didn't think you were coming home yet?"

"Well I wanted to surprise you, but I didn't think the first time I would see you again would be with you crying your little heart out..."

He squeezed me closer to his chest as I nuzzled my nose into his sweater, smelling his scent that had been lingering around the house since he left.

"I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too Princess..."

Out of nowhere, thunder and lightening lit up the dark room around us as we made our way to the living room, Brad's arm lazily slung around my shoulders as we cuddled on the sofa.

"So babe... How was your tour?"

"Oh it was amazing. It was honestly the best thing that I have ever done... It's crazy to see how many fans we have already... Without them we would be nothing. If we lose them, were absolutely nothing. But there was this one time where me an-"

I sat back and watched Brad's eyes light up as he spoke of all the things the boys did, and the smile that danced on his lips that just made me smile along like a crazy person...

I suddenly felt Brad take ahold of my wrist as he dragged me into the bedroom, laughing all the way.

We both fell on the bed as he lay above me, resting his forehead on mine.

"I love you so fucking much..."

"I love you too baby..."

He leaned in, our lips connecting, setting butterflies free in my stomach...


So yea... Hi 😊

You can probably guess what happens next... Ha ha

Thank youuu for reading, commenting, voting 🙊❤️

Love ya

Casey xxx

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