5: I wanted to tell him...

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I slowly woke up, sitting up properly as I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleep.

"Someone was tired!"

I grabbed the nearest pillow and launched it at James.

"Shush! What time is it?"

I looked over at Brad who took out his phone.



"Yea. What should we do?"

"How about a game?"

"Depends Tris. What game?"

"Truth or Dare!!"

Oh no... This is the game where all the secrets that you don't want anyone to know come out.

But Brad and James agreed so I just nodded as we sat on the floor in a circle.

I adjusted my hood before I faced Tris, waiting for him to start.

"Okay... James! Truth or Dare?"

"Erm. Truth..."

"Hmm... Why aren't you dating Dee?"

I stiffened as I glared at Tris, awaiting James's answer.

"Well... I've seen Destiny as more of a sister to me. We help each other out with our problems and it just wouldn't feel right dating someone I thought of as a sister, you know?"

I breathed out a breath I didn't even know I was holding before Tris instantly moved on.

"Brad. Truth or Dare?"

"Erh, Dare..."

"Ohh! Give Dee a kiss!"

"Is this game all about me? Really?"

Brad leaned in and placed a small kiss on my cheek as I just looked at Tristan awaiting his answer. But of course he didn't answer me.

"Dee. Truth or Dare?"


Oh no... Here it comes...

"Hmmm... Okay so not about you cos your just grumpy... How big is your family?"

I stared at Tris for what felt like minutes... I thought I could hear James calling my name, but everything just seemed blurry...

"Dee? Dee? Destiny Brooks! Listen to me!"

I snapped my head towards James as he rose and grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of the living room.

"Dee? What the fuck was that? Are you okay?"

I simply shook my head as the first tear fell down my rosey cheeks.

James immediately engulfed me in his arms as I sobbed onto his shoulder.

"What's up love?"

"They're gone James..."

"What do you mean? Who?"

"My... My parents..."

"What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it James."

"Dee. Tell me. I'm worried!"


James took a step back, the look on his face made my heart break...

He looked so hurt... We told each other everything and this was the first time I hadn't told James something. But I just needed time that's all. It's just a lot for a teenage girl to take in...

"I- I'm sorry..." I whimpered before I ran into James's spare room and collapsed on the bed, pulling the duvet over my shaking body.

Why did it have to happen this way? Why couldn't they just... Erghh...

It really made me want to pull my hair out.

More tears fell down my cheeks as I rolled onto my side, curling up into a ball.

Tomorrow was Sunday... It's been a whole month...

A whole month without them...

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