32: It felt... Weird

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"Is that everything?"


I placed the last picture as I stood back and admired my... Our home.

Wow that felt weird to think...



"I need to tell you something."

Brads voice got softer as he got closer, until he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

"What's up Brad?"

"I hate to do this, but were leaving for our tour next week... We've only been told today so I would have told you but I was just worrying about eve-"

"Brad! It's ok. Your in a band, I expect you leaving for tours!"


"Yes you idiot! Now go cook some food!"

"No, we'll get delivery pizza..."

"Go on then Simpson. I'm starving."

"Love you!"

"Love you too arsehole!"

I watched as Brad walked out of our bedroom before he interrupted me.

"Are you, Miss Destiny Brooks, checking out my bum?"

"What? Pfttt... No. Don't flatter yourself mister."

"Okayyyy then..."

We laughed as Brad went to call for the pizza as I lay on the bed.

It's weird to think that I'm 20 tomorrow and I've already found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with... Is that really cheesy?

It's also weird to think that me and Brad have known each other for 2 years...

It's even weirder to think that the boy's band is getting bigger now...

Hearing Brad's voice in the other room, a smile grew on my lips as I began gently singing.

"He needs a wild heart. He needs a wild heart. I got a wild heart..."


After pigging out on pizza, me and Brad made our way to bed.

He wrapped his arms around me as I lay my head on his chest, listening to his steady heart beat. It's times like these that I love most. The times I appreciate because they are just so rare.

"Goodnight Dee."

Brad kissed the top of my head as I nuzzled my nose into his shirtless chest.

"G'night Simpson."

"Love you..."

"Love you too... Arsehole"

That night, I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face.

Brad does this to me... Just being around him makes me fucking giddy inside!


"Dee? Babe?"

I groaned as I opened my eyes, turning around to face him.

"Morning babe."

"Morning beautiful."

"Connor? What do you want? If you woke me up fo-"

I couldn't continue as Connor placed his lips against mine, stopping all words that I tried to muster together.

"I woke you up because someone is here to see you!"


"Carolyne and Brad...

They say they need to talk to you urgently about something. I dunno..."

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