Chapter 10

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I didn't expect to love video gaming as much as I did. 

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that it was probably only because Ned and Peter were there. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure video gaming is fun when you're by yourself, but playing with friends has got to be where it's at. Not only are you playing against friends, but you're also allowed to be mean to them.

Who wouldn't love that?

So now, after the many nights we spend training for the competition that was sprung upon us, the three amigos go to Ned's house to play whatever we deem necessary to rot our brains. It's actually really fun, and I totally get why Ned was so impressed by Peter's abilities when they were first telling me about their adventures. Peter is really good at certain games, which doesn't make any sense, because Peter is the most uncoordinated piece of shit I've ever met.

I only say that with love.

After that first night when they told me about the crazy story of how Peter totally beat the game by hiding and then drop kicking the boss was intriguing. That's why I agreed to play with them and was even impressed enough to call Peter a superhero. For some reason, it felt right to call him that.


"Betty, are you okay?" 

I come around the corner only to see the blonde sitting by herself on an outside bench after our rather quick Declathon meeting. This was this earliest we've been out since we first heard of the pressing news. The competition is tomorrow, so I had decided earlier today that a break would be most beneficial to our intelligence.

Betty turns her head to the sound of my voice. She had been intently looking at something, and it seems like I've interrupted a deep thought. The look of contemplation was slowly weakening as she tried to compose herself for my intrusion. 

A very fake smile stretched her lips almost painfully, "Oh, hi MJ," A sheepish look crossed her features. "Yeah, I'm okay, just... thinking."

I wondered if she was thinking about that very real day where our school was taken by surprise. After all, Peter and I had seen her in an ambulance that day. Later on, we had found out that Betty had just suffered from an extreme anxiety attack. The attack was so severe that the medics thought she was having a seizure before they realized the real problem.

I walk slowly, trying my best not to seem like I was worried for her. The truth was, Betty was probably the least pretentious person on our team in terms of showing off. She was smart, but you wouldn't really know that by just talking to her. But I've gotten to know her well enough to know that she's actually really humble when it came it her intellect... but when it came around to boys, she seemed very confident. 

She had a new boyfriend every week.

I wonder what it would be like to have that much charisma.

Anyway, the whole point of me straightening this out is... she's a really great girl, and I wouldn't mind having a heart-to-heart with her if she needed one. Despite my lack of sympathy towards most things, I do have a heart. I also have a great nack in figuring people out, and Betty just seems to need to talk to someone.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask while sitting next to her.

Betty doesn't look at me. She stares straight ahead, looking over the front lawn of our school. Her pretty eyes are glossy, but I don't think she'll cry. She seems to be disconnecting herself from her emotions; something I knew of, very well.

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