imagine #1 - you

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It had been a long day at the office. Spencer and you were the only ones left. You both had gotten behind on paper work, so while the others went to the bar down the street to cool off from another brutal case. You and Spencer have always been close. Your desks were right by each others. He was the first one to befriend you when you were hired on. You and him had so much in common and just hit it off right away. Morgan had even joked to you both about getting together. You had thought about being more than friends with Spence a few times, but you didn't want to risk the great friendship you had with him. You pushed those feelings behind you, but they always seemed to pop back up.  He has been a little distant for the past week, and it really bothered you.

* one week earlier *

The team and you were sitting on the jet brainstorming about a case you had been called to. You were sipping on your coffee and you could feel Spender staring at you. You looked his way and caught him staring at you and he quickly looked back at his folder. Spencer had seemed a little off since before leaving Quantico. Hotch spoke up from the silence and started to call out orders for when we land at the location.

"Spencer, you and Y/N go to the second crime scene and see what you can find." Hotch commanded. You both did as was told. You got in the driver's seat of the black SUV and drove to the crime scene unaware of Spencer watching your every move. You could tell something was on his mind as he would recap on the cases in the SUV to the crime scenes you went to together. Today he didn't do that.

"Hey Spence," you glanced over to him sitting in the passenger seat "what's up."

He looked startled for a second and then opened his folder and began to recap on the crime scene, "Well, there's no sign of forced entry so the victim has to know the person or seems like a trusting person such as an electrician, plumber - "

You interrupted him, "Spence... I meant with you. You were kinda... weird on the jet over here."

He looked a little upset at that but quickly dismissed it, "Oh, it's nothing." He looked back down at his file.

You put it off as nothing and continued back to focusing on driving.

* back to present time *

You looked up from you paper work and noticed Spencer was staring at you. This time he didn't look away quickly. You gave him a small smiled which he returned. "How much more do you have?" you asked.

He looked down, scribbled something on his papers, and put it on another taller stack. "Just finished." he replied, "You?"

You looked down at your stack of papers. You still had about 5 sheets to look over. You sighed, "Close but not close enough." You let out a little chuckle. Spencer smiled and mumbled something. "What did you say?" you asked.

His smile faded a little, "Did I say that out loud?" You nodded and he looked down. "I said 'I love your laugh'."

You blushed a little. "Well thank you." You looked at him and he had a huge smile on his face.

"Do you want me to stay with you until you finish?" he asked.

You really wanted him to but you also didn't want to be the one to keep him from going back to his place to rest. It had been a long week. "Only if you want to."

He smiled again and rolled his chair over to your desk and sat next to you as you finished looking over your papers. You probably could've gotten done sooner but you two were talking and laughing just like before he started to act different around you.

As you put your last sheet of paper in the done stack, you leaned back in your chair and let out a huge sigh of relief. You looked at your watch and noticed it read 11:54. Good thing it was the weekend now. Neither of you wanted to get up for being too tired. You looked over at Spencer who was fiddling around with a pen in his hands. You couldn't help but watch his hands. All you wanted right now was to be held by those hands. You sighed and crossed your arms on you desk and buried your hand in your arms. You could feel him looking at you. You lifted you head and leaned back in the chair, "What?"

"You." he said.

It was your turn to look puzzled. "Me? What about me?"

He sighed and spoke softly while looking you in the eyes, "You. You're the reason I've been acting "off" as you say here lately."

You were taken aback buy that. "What do you mean 'me'?"

"You're beautiful and intelligent. You carry yourself with so much confidence. I catch myself staring at you when you're here in the office, on the plane, or wherever else. I love the way you read something to yourself and you move your lips and furrow your eyebrows when you're thinking about something. All I wanted was to hold you after the case earlier this week. I could tell it had a huge affect on you. Physically and mentally. More than others for some reason. All I wanted to do was be with you after that. I've had these feelings for you for a while and I just didn't know how to tell you. It's you, Y/N." He sighed and looked at you waiting for a response.

You were really shocked by what he just said. "I - I had no idea you felt that way." He sighed and got up to pack up his things kinda angrily.

You got up from you chair and walked over to him and put your hand on his arm and softly said "Hey. You didn't let me finish." He stopped and looked at you. "I felt the same way. When I got home all I wanted was for your company. I secretly love it when you say facts about anything and everything. I find it attractive. I find you attractive. I love how we can just talk or be in silence and nothing's awkward. I've had feelings for you too for a while now."

You both smiled and looked at each other. He turned to face you better and brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. "I'm so happy you said that to. I really went out of my comfort zone to tell you that. I was expecting you to laugh at me and - " You interrupted him by wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tightly. You sighed when he hugged back. You stood like that for a minute. He kissed the top of your head and asked "Would you like to come to my place and watch a movie and halfway through fall asleep while cuddled on the couch?"

You smiled and chuckled a little, wanting this for a while, "Yes!" You answered. You both let go and packed your things.

You walked beside each other to the elevator and you reached for his hand and laced your fingers with his. He pressed the down button and you both talked and waited for the elevator. It dinged meaning it was here and the door opened to reveal Morgan standing there by himself. He started to speak "You're just now leaving? Oh well I forgot my -" he was interrupted because he noticed your hands laced together. He looked back up to you and hollered "AYYYYEEE! It's about time." He laughed and rubbed Spencer's hair and told him "Finally you did it pretty boy."

You looked at Spence and noticed blush creeping onto his cheeks. You both got on the elevator and waited for Morgan to get on too. The three of you walked out together and told each other bye as Morgan went one way and you two went the other.

Once at Spencer's place you dropped you stuff in the chair. "He Spence? I don't have any comfy clothes." You said looking down at the pant suit you wore today.

He smiled, "That's okay. You can wear one of my shirts and a pair of my sweat pants." He went to his room and grabbed you the clothes. He came back to the living room and handed you the clothes, "I like how you look in blue so I got you a blue shirt." He smiled at you.

You smiled back at him and thanked him and walked to the bathroom to change. You walked back in to see Spencer putting in a DVD, "I remembered you told me your favorite movie so that's what we're watching." He said.

You smiled and sat down on the couch. He pressed play and came to sit by you. He wrapped his arms around you and you cuddled up next to him. Halfway through the movie you began to drift off to sleep and felt Spencer kiss your forehead and say "I'm so happy with you." You smiled and drifted off to sleep feeling happy you're finally with Spencer.


Soooo first imagine!! I didn't really know how to end it lol I'd love comments on how it was! Be honest!

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