"...Vokorasaal..." the creature hissed. "Nid ulfah ko daar feln hasn't kosaan vos wah tinvaak un tinvok ful fluently ruzun oblaan do faal Lot Dragonic Kein."

Sombra smirked slyly. "Zu'u lost tinvaak faal Tinvok do faal Dovah ruzun sul Zu'u vust tinvaak. Dii ragnavir, mindin pah, lost peh usnutiid voth hin eylok." he replied evenly.

The was another moment of silence before before a large, sleek dragon head emerged from the darkness. All pitch black with the exception of his dark gray horns that were curved back, and the pointy spines that ran from his neck, all the way down to his long and sleek tail. Which were still hiding within the cave. There wasn't even a hint of a mouth on his slender muzzle. Not even a thin line. The black dragon titled his head downward so that he and Sombra locked eyes. After a full minute of silence, the dragon spoke.

"...Most impressive." the dragon spoke in the common language. Except it was telepathically rather than physically. His kind, after all, only spoke through telepathy for reasons only they knew.

"Great Wyrm." Sombra said as he bowed deeply. Showing all of the utmost respect he's ever had for anything.

Nightmare Moon was rather shock to find Sombra acting so humble like this. No pony has. But she wisely kept quiet and merely watched from where she was.

Sombra lifted his head up and gazed into the flaming white eyes meekly. He rarely acted humble towards another. But he held great respect for this particular group of dragons, and treated them with honor. "I, King Sombra of the Obsidian Empire, have come for a request." he said. Not breaking eye contact.

The dragons eyes seemed to widen slightly and looked rather surprised when he mentioned "Sombra" and "Obsidian Empire". He then brought his face closer to Sombra until the tip of his snout was inches from his muzzle. Sniffing the dark unicorn lightly before rearing back sharply. Nightmare Moon swallowed fearfully when she saw the dragons pitch black snout suddenly rip apart. A black liquid substance oozed down as he stretched his jaws wider before forming into rows of razor sharp teeth that glinted off of the sunlight.

A loud, distorted roar erupted from the dragon. Causing the earth below their hooves to shake to the point where small cracks were beginning to appear near their hooves. The sharp teeth soon changed back into the same black liquid as the dragon closed his jaws shut once more. Lowering his face back down at the dark unicorn; who remained unphased the entire time.

"Your scent...is familiar." the dragon said telepathically. Although his voice sounded a bit softer. "We haven't seen an Obsidian Pony...since the day you disappeared...my prince."

"From what I've heard, my parents died some time after my disappearance." Sombra replied softly. "I ran away from home. I was fed up with my life. I needed to escape, old friend..."

What? Nightmare Moon wanted to ask. All fear she felt was quickly replaced with confusion as she watched the two communicate. What surprised her next was when Sombra suddenly placed his hoof underneath the dragons black snout and, in an act of rare affection towards another other then his Queen and loyal subjects, brought it close enough to press his forehead against it gently. Closing his eyes and exhaling lightly through his nostrils. The dark dragon closed his eyes as well and relaxed.

Sombra smiled darkly. His eyes flashing green while whisps of purple smoke poured from the edges. "Good." he purred. At last. After a thousand years of separation. The Dragons of Eternal Darkness shall unite with the Obsidian Empire in war once more.

In the background, Nightmare Moon shuddered with an unfamiliar sense of cold fear.


Discord could barely remember a time when he lived in absolute peace. Not the chaotic peace he normally created, but real peace. Since the day he was brought up in this cruel world, his life had been filled with nothing but turmoil and, well, chaos. In the beginning, the Draconequus of Equestria only sought to live in peace and harmony with one another. Using their magic for good intentions only. But then the war between dragons occurred.

Shadows in the darkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant