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The day ended way too soon for your liking, with Jungkook driving you home safely and leaving right after, not before placing a light kiss on top of your head.

And after he had done this and was out of sight, you found yourself smiling like a damn idiot, feeling all bubbly in the inside. 

You closed the door behind you and slid down the floor with a happy sigh, feelings being a bit mixed.

Yes, you were undeniably happy, especially because you had finally allowed yourself to be happy - just like Yoongi said - but at the same time, you just couldn't imagine that you were actually going to get your happy end.

Again, those perfect fairytales don't exist in real life.

But you didn't want your inner pessimist to get your happiness in the way, so you brushed it of with an aggressive shaking of your head and got up in an attempt to shower, when your eyes fell on the clock.


Ten minutes when your shift at the café would start.

You separated yourself from the idea of being freshly showered and rushed to get together all your things, before leaving your apartment after you had just entered it.

How did I forget this?

You decided that Jungkook was the one to blame, since he was the one distracting you after all, but really, you couldn't possibly be mad at him. Not after how he treated you today.

Your boss only gave you a disapproving look when you entered the café in a slightly disheveled state, pointing at her watch in her best 'you're-too-late-young-lady'  manner.

You gave her an apologetic look and hurried to start to work, trying your best to not make her even grumpier. Your boss was like, the nicest person you've ever met, but she hated it when her workers weren't in time.

Even though you had started off quite motivated, the next customer to enter the place was making your mood go down in an instant.

This time, she was here without her son, dark hair being tied in a stern knot, making her look older than she was.

It was quite a time ago when you had seen Eunha last, and you had a hard time not making your distaste towards her too obvious. She was just a customer and you a waitress.

Nonetheless, having the woman you had cut ties with after a childish argument back in your café, after she was being so rude to you although you had helped her little son was something you could gladly life without.

"Hello, Y/N."

You unwillingly scrunched up your nose as you realized you now would have to talk to her. Just to make things clear, you didn't hate her. Yes, you did separate because of an argument, but that was years ago and you were mature enough to forget this childish event, just Eunha didn't seem to.

Well, you were soon to find out why.

"Hey, Eunha. How have you been? Is Jihyun okay?"

A tiny smile appeared on her usually stern face, making you realize how much she loved her little son, who was all she had left.

"Jihyun is doing great if you really want to know. But so do you, after all I heard. So, you and Jungkook are a thing again?"

You frowned at her words. How did she know? You were about to ask her when she cut you off by saying-

"Does Sera know? I mean, it wouldn't be the first time if she didn't."

You looked at her dumbfounded, not understanding the meaning of her words, "They aren't together anymore..."

Your voice sounded strangely dull.

Eunha snorted annoyed, "Of course. Of course he would leave her for you, but not for an ordinary woman whom loved him truly."

And that was the moment when you realized two things.

1. Jungkook had have an affair while her was with Sera, leaving the poor woman in obliviously again.

2. The woman he had have an affair with was Eunha.

Damn, and all that while he was only twenty.

You couldn't deny that Jungkook's life turned out to be quite turbulent - but so was yours - and you didn't really know what you should do with the information you got.

But then you remembered something.

'He was an ass that made me incautious.'

That's what she said, when you asked why she already had a child at this young age.

"I-Is Jungkook the-the father of-", You couldn't bring yourself to finish the sentence.

Eunha sighed and closed her eyes while leaning against the counter, "I wish he was. On this way we would still- 

No, he isn't Jihyun's dad. But he was the one making me incautious enough to just stop to care and sleep around thoughtless."

"That's what a broken heart does to you.", was all you said quietly staring outside he window.

Guess Jungkook has to add someone to his 'heart-broken list'.

In that moment, you felt strangely close to Eunha. You two fell for the same man, both of you regretted it after wards. You didn't know if she felt the same way, but her silence said thousand times more than any word could have in this moment. Eunha was one more proof of the immaturity and foolish heartlessness of Jeon Jungkook, and you felt how this reminder hurt on a harshly disappointing way. It was naive to believe he changed in such a short time.

This was reality.


What do you think about Eunha?



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