Turtle:Why are you fighting lee?!

Lee:I'm sorry!

He gets on his knee and begs

Lee:What is my punishment?


A man appears above the turtle

A man appears above the turtle

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Y/n:Its like him but worst...

Lee:Guy Sensei! I'm sorry!

Guy:You know the punishment...

He punches Lee across the room

Guy walks up and starts to comically cries as Lee does the same

Guy:I was only going to make you do 100 laps but since you started a fight its gonna be 500...

Lee:Sounds good!

Sakura:There isnt anytime for that! The Chunin exams are going to start soon!

Y/n:Let them run...I wouldn't mind if a couple of weirdoes didnt show up...

Guy looks at them

Sakura:He's looking at us!

Guy:You must be Kakashi's team! How is he!

Sasuke:Do you know him?

Guy:Some would say that we are Eternal Rivals...

Y/n:So do people actually say that or you just say that to yourself...?

He appears behind them

Guy:The record is 50-49 that's one more than him by the way...

Y/n:No way...how'd you figure that out...?

Guy:Your sarcasm amuses me...

He points to y/n

Guy:You must accept my apology for Lee...although I'm impressed you beat him...

Y/n:Well once you threaten to break someone's arms they really reconsider what they are doing...

Guy:You should accompany these fine ninja to the classroom Lee...

Guy and the turtle disappear


Y/n:What do you want?

Lee:Your not my main target,someone on my squad who is stronger than me is, you were supposed to be a warm up but instead you beat me...but now your a target as well...

He jumps off

Y/n:Finally...let's go...

Sasuke:I couldn't read his movements....

Sakura:What are you talking about?

Sasuke:When he was trying to kick y/n,my sharingan didnt see what he was going to do...

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