Chapter 8

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46 days till prom.

Hunk POV

Once I left pidge's the tears started flowing and wouldn't stop till I got to shiro's. Please be awake please be awake.

"Who the hell is awake at this time?" I heard a groggy voice say from the other side of the door.

Shiro opened the door to see a exhausted tear stained hunk. His clothes were the same from when shiro saw him earlier but slightly disheveled, he was shivering from the cold night air, hunk's face was red and puffy from all his crying.

" Hunk? What are doing here? Don't you have school in a couple hours?" Shiro asked

" pidge and I had a fight, kinda, I really need to get some advice"

" oh okay, come in" " so what all happened?"

Hunk explained everything Keith and his conversation, asking out Shay, Shay and him making out while pidge was there and Shay leaving right after, then hunk deciding on going to pidge's. It all took a little over and hour to explain it all.

"Okay, can I ask you a question? Why do you like shay?"

" well she is nice and pretty and she.... well I don't exactly know"

" okay, what do you like about pidge?"

" where do I start? She is brilliant and beautiful and knows how to make me laugh, she tries her best at everything, she is so competitive that even a bear would be scared of losing too her, she cares for her friends more than anything and would do anything for them, but I think my favorite thing about her is that she will be happy for you even if it breaks her heart"

"Okay well it sounds like your with the  wrong person, and it sounds like Shay might  just be using you to get back at pidge or make her jealous or whatever girls do"

"What makes you think that Shay is using me? Maybe she does like me" I must of sounded annoyed because shiro changed his facial expression to a little more serious.

" I'm sure a part of her does like you but at the same time she could be using you to make pidge feel crappy or defeated or something, but I also know for a fact that you don't make out with someone then leave without saying anything for no reason."

Shiro has a point, but I don't want to believe that she has it out for pidge's emotions.

" all I'm saying is talk to her, I could be wrong and it was just a lapse of judgment "

" yeah, okay"

" now you should go home and sleep, you have mr. Bebobe( A/n. Be- bo- be) first period right?"

" yea.."

"Just email him that you were up drinking and partying  late and he wont mark you tarty so it wont be on your record. It's a little code we came up with, it just means something important happened and you didn't sleep at all"

"Okay thanks, for everything"

" no problem dude"

Once I left shiro's I felt so much better, i know that I still need to talk to Shay I am just too tired right now.

________ The next morning ________

*Beep Beep beeeeeeep*

"Ughhhhh "

I need sleep.

"SHIT SCHOOL"  Hunk raced out of bed to jump into the shower.  I'm gonna be late for second period! Mr. Zarkon is gonna kill me! Zarkon is Hunk, Keith, lance, pidge, Adam, Matt, and Allura's history teacher. He is angry almost all the time, he especially hates Hunk and his friends.

Fuck Fuck fuck fuck. Hunk ran out of the house to his truck, which didn't turn on. "FUCK, please be home"

As much as hunk and pidge weren't getting along she was his best option on getting to school on time. Pidge usaly skipped first period any way but she didn't live very close  to Hunk. I gotta run, please be here.

_____Pidge POV______________

I hate Monday. Especially since after hunk's little "visit " I couldn't sleep. I'm running on 3 hours of sleep and I think 4, 5, maybe 10 cups of coffee. I decided to wear something stupid simple, a pair of black capri leggings and a sweatshirt. I didn't even bother to put a shirt on, I hope the school heaters dont work today.

As I get into my little light green 4 runner i see this blur of a person running down the sidewalk. Wait- that's hunk . Hunk is running towards my car, his truck is probably acting up again. I usaly give him a ride and if this was a normal morning I would but I dont have the emotional capacity to deal with him.

Once I start to pull out of the drive way hunk starts to scream and run faster. God, I can do this, I can face him.

Okay after my mini pep talk to myself i pulled ove to where hunk was talking a breather.

" Hey, need a ride?"

"" hunk said in between breaths. I am so mad at my self for smiling at him.

"Well hop in, I can't be late for 2nd period again because of you" when he got in the car for a moment it felt like nothing had happened then his phone started ringing and the devil herself was calling.

"Hey shay, no I'm fine. Just- No I just- can you stop talking for five seconds!" Whoa he raised his voice, that never happens.
"Shay I'm on my way to school and I will talk to you there, no my truck wouldn't start so pidge is giving me a ride" oh god don't drag me into this. " Shay- Shay!- SHAY stop please, she isn't gonna stop being my friend. I'll talk to you at school." * beep*

" I'm sorry pidge-"

" its okay just don't make it a habit of yelling and were good "

"No you don't understand, im sorry for asking her out when your the girl I should be with" I nearly swerved into a tree.

I'm fairly certain this is the longest one I've written. Things are happening!!!! And for like the bazillionth time give me suggestions and tips because I dont know what the fuck I'm doing. Anyway goooooooooood night!

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