Chapter 5

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48 days (again )

Pidge's POV-------------

I decided that morning that I was gonna ask hunk no matter what. I wasn't gonna ask Allura her opinion because I didn't want her to talk me out of it, I know that she is just doing it because she cares. Anyway I slept till 11 and decided that I would leave by 11:30 to get to the coffee shop. Usaly I don't care what I look like but I am so nervous. I threw on a black t-shirt and my lucky green flannel, a pair of comfy ripped black jeans, my converse, and finally my glasses ( that I dont really need). As I was riding my bike to the coffee shop I didn't even hear someone calling my name, when I finally turned around I saw Allura's jackass ex lotor. I stopped only for a second and he caught up with me. Lotor was a very handsome senior. He has dark blue almost purple eyes, perfect olive skin and long white hair( it's a genetic thing). If I didn't know how much of a jackass he is I would have a crush on him. Lotor and allura dated for almost a year but it was a very abusive relationship, he verbally and physically abused her. She got good at hiding her pain but I could tell, I'm glad that she is with lance now, they make eachother better.

I tried to ride away but he grabbed my handle bars and stood in front of my bike " where do you think your going, sweetheart " he snarled like a no good snake.

I hated how that last word rolled off his tongue so comfortably, too comfortably. "Get out of my way please" he didn't move.

" so hows the gang? Anyone miss me?"

He completed ignored what I said. " no one misses you, can you please get out of my way? I have to go." He still didn't move.

He playfully looked offended " what?? I'm suprised. Not even my darling Allura?"

" don't you ever say her name again! Now get out of my way you jackass and don't make me ask you again!"

" hehe what are you gonna do? Pinch me you leprechaun?" He started laughing at his own joke.

I'm glad at this moment that my dad made me take basic Marshal arts and start going to the gym with shiro. I hit Lotor so hard in the jaw that stars were spinning around his head as he fell. My hand was bleeding and hurt like hell but I was okay to continue to the coffee shop.

______a little later _______

I cant stop crying. As soon as I made it home I couldn't hold it back, the anger, the sadness, the frustration. I just want to die. I cant believe that she chose her. * buzz buzz* . My phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Hunk.

Lunk: Hey you okay?

Of course I'm not okay but I'm not gonna tell you that!

Me: yes I'm fine just a little tired.

Lunk: oh okay.

Lunk: um, Alura told me something at the shop and I'm just wondering if it is true or not.

Me: Okay.......

The reason I will have a heart attack: um she said

The reason I will have a heart attack: she said.

Me: Just spit it out! Your gonna give me a heart attack.

Lunk: um she said that you like me.

This is the exact moment that I died inside.

_________^_^ ______next will be hunk I promise also any comments you have are greatly appreciated. Bia.

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