Secret Revealed

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Lucy's POV :

I walked towards Natsu who was in front of the request board.

I peeked to see what job he had chosen.

" Hey Natsu! "

He startled, " Oh hey Luce! Didn't smell you there "

It was unusual for Natsu not to notice me, but who cares.

" What job are you taking? "

" We have to capture the person who has been destroying villages near a forest and the reward is"

" 500,000 jewels! " I continued.

" Can we go, can we? " I pleaded him.

" Why are you asking me? Of course we can! " he grinned.

" Should we invite the rest? "

" There's no need to, I bet this guy's a piece of cake, just like Gray ".

Natsu's POV :

" What did you just say Flame brain? " Gray enraged

" That you're a piece of cake Ice Stripper ".

We began to fight. But just then, BAAAAMMM!!!!

My head and Gray's were hit together.

" Oweeee! !Who did tha - ".

I then saw Erza looking seriously angry.


" I bet that's the only reason why she's angry " I thought.

" Hey Luce, Happy! Let's go on the mission! "

" Aye sir! "

Then the three of us left but I was the only one who left with a bruise on my forehead.

" Hey Luce! How long is the ride gonna be? "

" About 3 hours ". I sighed.

" If only Wendy was here she would have cast Troia on me "

Once we got on the carriage, I began to feel sick and I saw Lucy and Happy laughing at me.

Lucy's POV :

Me and Happy laughed at Natsu's green sick face.

But I kind of felt bad for him.

Normal POV :

Natsu, Lucy and Happy finally reached their destination after a 3 hours ride on the carriage.

But they don't know who they were going to fight with was something unexpected.

Lucy's POV :

We were finally at the place in the request.

We met an old woman who told us that the person could control Earth's ground.

" Yosh, I'm getting fired up! " Natsu shouted.

Just then , Erza, Gray, Wendy and Carla came towards us.

" So you guys are here too, interesting. " Erza said.

"Why is Flame brain here? ", Gray complained

" And why is Ice Stripper here? "

" I asked you first "

" It's because I was here first "

They began to fight again.

" SILENT!!! ", Erza shouted. > SILENT <

" I think Erza can control Earth's sound! " I thought.

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