Lincoln and Ronnie Anne finally meet

Start from the beginning

Lincoln: that's not the reason I left

Ronnie Anne: so what is the reason

Lincoln:before I tell you got to promise you will not tell my sisters anyting or your brother knowing him he'll tell Lori everything

Ronnie Anne: I want answers now I've been waiting nine years for this

Lincoln: not until you swear you won't tell a soul

Ronnie Anne:I swear I won't tell anyone now tell me the truth everything

Lincoln: it happened 9 years ago about a week after you left she tried to distract myself from you leaving I went to the local pizza joint not wanting to take the full when I decided to take a shortcut a decision that is easily one of the worst decisions I ever made

Ronnie Anne: huh?

(One explanation about everything that happened later)

Ronnie Anne I was astounded by Lincoln's tale about the man Tony who threatened his life tell him to leave town or he would hurt his family

Ronnie: so you saw this guy stuff his friend in the trunk and then the next day that friend was dead and you were the only living witness

Lincoln: yes and he found me three weeks later I don't know how but they found me

Ronnie Anne: why didn't you go to the police they could have protected you you could have stayed

Lincoln: because Ronnie Anne the man who threatened me was Tony galante and I know you know that name

Ronnie Anne did recognize the name he was the boss of the local Mafia in great lake City but he also had control of Royal woods criminal underworld he was known to be extremely powerful and ruthless

Lincoln: exactly three years ago he went down but he wasn't the only one who went down

Ronnie Anne: the state's attorney several district attorney's 17 police officers including a few captains 8 high power defense attorneys and two deputy Mayor's

Lincoln: the man would have known I talked he had people on the inside of law enforcement and the court systems one way or another he was going to get my name and knowing I squealed he would have slaughtered me and my family

Ronnie Anne: but there's no way you could have known that

Lincoln: yeah what rational eleven-year-old would go to the police when a scary man threatened to kill his family after he told them everything about him where they lived where they went their friends or associates yeah what rationale 11 year old would think oh let's go to the police and tell the police about the scary man who knows everything about you

Ronnie Anne could feel the sarcasm in his voice but he did raise a good point he was only 11 years old when he was threatened with his life and his family's life who would think rationally at that age

Ronnie Anne: so you had no choice in the matter but you could have come with my family we could have protected you

Lincoln: that day that Tony found me he showed me your picture it wasn't just my family was threatened me it was yours

Ronnie Anne what's the surprised by this she was being followed when she was 11 years old and she didn't even realize it

Lincoln: you and my sisters meant everything to me I didn't care what happened to me as long as you were safe so I made a deal with Tony I leave town and he leave you guys alone

Ronnie Anne started crying

Lincoln: what's wrong!!!!!

Ronnie Anne: 9 years I've been mad at you and it wasn't even your fault it was that horrible man you were just being a good big brother protecting your sisters he forced you to leave them behind leave me behind and all these years we blamed you I feel like such an idiot

Lincoln: you're not an idiot Ronnie and there's no way you could have known

Ronnie Anne: but I knew you I knew you wouldn't just leave without a very good reason but I was so angry and devastated I didn't think rationally

she starts crying like no tomorrow and Lincoln hugs her at first she tries to resist but she gives in

Ronnie Anne: I'm sorry for not believing in you

Lincoln: and I'm sorry for not giving an explanation on why I left

Ronnie Anne: thank you and I've been meaning to ask what's with the sunglasses where indoors

Lincoln:I lived on the streets for 6 months eating whatever I could I managed to get out of the state that's what I meet an old man named Hank he became a mentor to me took care of me for the next 4 years when I was fifteen he died a liver cancer I didn't know what to do until I was called to a lawyer's office it turns out Hank was a millionaire investor who made millions in the stock market but apparently he suffered from Alzheimer's and eventually sold everything his house everything ended up on the streets because he had no family he named me the sole beneficiary I wear these sunglasses because they were his to honor him

Ronnie Anne:so that's where you got your money you lost your mentor and friend

Lincoln:using the skills hang taught me about investment I made even more money and travel the world trying to find a purpose I thought I finally found it in Japan when... I'm sorry Ronnie Anne but I can't talk about that but it's something I like to keep buried for right now

Ronnie Anne: I understand so why did you wait when Tony was taking down 3 years ago

Lincoln:because a man like Tony still had power even on the inside it was only after he died from a heart attack several weeks ago that I decided to come back but I didn't know until pop pop found me and told me himself

Ronnie Anne:you should really tell your sisters this I'm sure they would understand

Lincoln: they'll think I'm lying you know my sister is very well especially Lori do you want us to believe she'll believe me even for a second

Ronnie Anne:..... Good point

Lincoln: right now I'm just trying to make up for lost time 9 years I was running when my home was here the whole time I'm hoping with his trip to Hawaii I can connect with them both the sisters I left behind and the sisters I didn't know existed until several weeks ago

Ronnie Anne:you may have changed but you're still the same lame-o I remember always having that kind heart

Lincoln: your mother is an ER nurse right tell her exactly what happened but tell her not to tell Bobby or my sisters she works hard and I want invite her to Hawaii as well I know she needs to vacation

Ronnie Anne: I'll tell her and you're right she doesn't eat this

They hug on good terms

Ronnie Anne: I still want to know about Japan one day

Lincoln: no promises

Ronnie Anne leave the house with a her smile on her face happy to know that Lincoln did not abandon her he just had no choice

Ronnie Anne (I still love you you know Lincoln and although it's been 9 years I hope the spark we had between us is still there)

Lincoln (I still love you Ronnie Anne but I still love Sakura as well I'm such a jerk I like both the woman I love more than anything down Sakura I'm sorry I could not save your brother Ryuji and Ronnie Anne I'm sorry I left you behind)

Lincoln wipes away a tear knowing that he shouldn't focus on that he had a vacation to plan and another ticket to buy

Ronnie Anne and Bobby drive home that night

Bobby: so did you get the answer you wanted

Ronnie Anne: not exactly but I forgive him and now I need to discuss something with Madre

Bobby: I guess if you can forgive him I can forgive him I just hope Lori forgives him one day I mean he's doing this for us and he's not even asking for anything he still the man I respect

the Santiago's leave on good terms with Lincoln loud now it's only Lori could forgive him will Lori learn the truth one day will she forgive her big brother all questions for another day

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