kiss the boy

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With bakugo

Still 3rd POV

Bakugo was humming to himself. Preparing food young Midoriya and his guess. " I stall cut up the grab, no ,no I should boil the crab and the rip out it's bones and then stuff the crab. YES! That will do." Bakugo Even though be angry all the time he was a great cook. Claude fleed towards a room which he didn't know was the kitchen. He seen thing he wish he hasn't. " Man that boy better be lucky ." Claude said to himself. I wasn't long before bakugo spotted him. " What is this I must've missed one. ." bakugo said. Bakugo tries to grab Claude but Claude jumped. They ran around the kitchen bakugo throwing knifes around Claude barely able to Dodge them. It wasn't long till kirishma heard the banging in the kitchen . So he went to check on bakugo." Come out come out you little pipsqueak." Bakugo already had enough of this with Claude. " Bakugo! what are you doing?" Kirishma yelled at bakugo. " But ..there..there.well .I .I ….. I'm sorry" bakugo lower his voice.

Back to Midoriya and them

Still 3pov

" Um you know young Midoriya perhaps our lovey young guess might enjoy seeing some of the sight of the kingdom. Maybe something I don't know maybe a tour from you young Midoriya." All might kept hinting to me. Midoriya pretended not to hear. " I'm sorry all might what was that?" He smiled at him. " Young Midoriya you can't spend your time moping around in your room you need to get out get a life have fun. Do it before you come king."

Claude was underneath all might silver platter. He seen shoto and Shoto seen him. While prince Midoriya and all might were talking it gave Claude enough time to hurry to Shoto platter.

" Awww all might I don't even…..well. if he is interested." Midoriya looked at Shoto he gazed In his eyes Shoto leaning toward his Platte to make sure they didn't see Claude. " So what do you say ? Would you like to join me on my your round my kingdom?" Midoriya asked hoping he would say yes. Shoto nods vigorously as he still leans heavily on his platter.

" Now let's eat shall we!". All might says gracefully.

Midoriya was outside on the castle over by the window Shoto watched from afar . Midoriya was with scruffy and soon he seen shoto from the window and waved. Shot felt embarrassed that he got caught staring at him .

Shoto pov

" This has to be the most humiliating day life! You know I hope you appreciate what I've been doing for you young  boy!" Claude kept rumbling. I soon lead on the bed they had. I laid down and Soon fell asleep.

3 pov

Claude kept rumbling and finally noticed that Shoto was asleep.

With endeavor

" Have you found any sign of them." His cold voice said." N-no sir." The small seahorse stuttered. " Well then keep looking leave no seashell lefted unturned!" He yelled.

" Honey we'll find him soon , I'm sure of it." He sweet voice told him. "Look at what I've done" he's cold voice still says. " I've lost my only strong child." He state. Shoto mother face simply put a frown ." Is that why you miss his!" She asked her voice seem a little bitter. " Hes the only one that was trained enough from the start!" Endeavor yelled. " You should let him have a life love who he wants!" She yelled. " No son of mine is gay . He is gonna be a good son and married a female. I wall train him and beat the fag out of him!" He practically yelled. Shotos mother didn't say anything else she just lefted the room.

Morning time

3 pov

Shoto woke up . Midoriya decided to check on Shoto . Shoto was changing from his night clothes. He had a blue shirt with a small v cut and black pants . He changed his pants and went to puts his shirt on that's when prince Midoriya came in. " Hey Shoto were--gonna have ...breakfast" slowering his sentence . Both Shoto and Midoriya blushed. " Sorry I didn't mean to !" Midoriya blurted out.  Soon shoto was don and Midoriya and him walked down stairs to the dinning room table. The same place they are yesterday . Midoriya and Shoto didn't talk well Shoto could talk anyways.

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